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Research Article


Acclimatization Ability and Meat Production of Angus Steers (Australian Selection) Imported in Lower Volga Region of Russia


Ivan Fiodorovich Gorlov1,2*, Aleksandr Sergeevich Filatov1, Aleksei Nikolaevich Sivko1, Baatr Kanurovich Bolaev3, Aleksandr Petrovich Kokhanov4, Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Randelin4, Klavdiia Vladimirovna Ezergail4, Yuri Dmitrievich Danilov1, Elena Yurievna Zlobina1,5

1Volga Region Research Institute of Manufacture and Processing of Meat-And-Milk Production, 400131, Rokossovskogo street, 6, Volgograd, Russian Federation; 2Volgograd State Technical University, 400005, Lenin avenue, 28, Volgograd, Russian Federation; 3Kalmyk State University, 358000, Pushkina street, 11, Elista, The Republic of Kalmykia, Russian Federation; 4Volgograd State Agrarian University,400002, University avenue, 26, Volgograd, Russian Federation; 5Volgograd State University, 400062, University Avenue, 100, Volgograd, Russian Federation.


Abstract | The article presents the studyof the acclimatization ability of the Angus steers of Australian selection in the conditions of sharply continental climate of the Lower Volga Region of Russia.The steers of Reproduction II have been established to have a more optimal hematologic composition in comparison with their analogsof Reproduction I. Their red blood count was more by 3.5%, hemoglobin by 1.42 and total protein by 1.70%. The album in protein fraction was higher by 7.22%. Bactericidal leukocyte activity of steers of Reproduction II was more than that of steers of Reproduction II by 2.89%, lysozyme activity by 5.39 and phagocytic activity by 2.86%.The steers of Reproduction II were taller in comparison with their analogs, but inferior to them in terms of the measurements that characterize the body width.The growth intensity of the Angus youngsters of Reproduction II was insignificantly higher than that of their peers. With respect to the overall live weight gain, they exceeded the steers of Reproduction I by 4.2 kg and to the average daily gain by 17.5 g.In terms of the hot carcass weight, the control slaughter showed the young cattle of

Reproduction II to exceed their analogs of Reproduction I by 6.39 kg or 2.46%, carcass yield by 0.45% and weight of flesh in carcasses by 5.22 kg or 2.46%. The average carcass flesh sample of the Reproduction II steers contained more dry matter by 0.13, protein by 0.07 and fat by 0.05%.The profitability of meat production in the group of cattle of Reproduction II was higher by 2.1%. Thus, the animals successfully passed acclimatization. The results of the research showed that the bulls of the second reproduction have productive qualities that are comparable to those of the I reproduction and even surpass it in linear growth and slaughter.


Keywords | Beef cattle, Acclimatization, Productivity, Meat quality, Profitability


Editor | Kuldeep Dhama, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Received | May 06, 2018; Accepted | August 31, 2018; Published | September 21, 2018

*Correspondence | Ivan Fiodorovich Gorlov, Volga Region Research Institute of Manufacture and Processing of Meat-And-Milk Production, 400131, Rokossovskogo street, 6, Volgograd, Russian Federation; Email:

Citation | Gorlov IF, Filatov AS, Sivko AN, Bolaev BK, Kokhanov AP, Randelin DA, Ezergail KV, Danilov YD, Zlobina EY (2018).Acclimatization ability and meat production of angus steers (australian selection) imported in lower volga region of russia. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 6(10): 456-461.


ISSN (Online) | 2307-8316; ISSN (Print) | 2309-3331

Copyright © 2018 Gorlov et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.




One of the most important cattle breeding products is beef (Neumann and Lusby, 1986). To increase the production of beef and the diversity of the breed, an important reserve is the development of specialized beef cattle (Sulimova et al., 2016; Gorlov et al., 2017). In recent years, an exchange of breeding cattle, i.e., biological material of promising breeds has been widely practiced between countries (Lund et al., 2014; Ortiz-Colon et al., 2018). In 2012 in the Lower Volga Region of Russia known for a sharply continental climate (cold winter and hot summer), 1200 heads of Angus heifers were imported from Australia. Our studies examined the indicators that characterize the acclimatization ability of steers of two reproductions (Reproduction I included offspring of the livestock imported, Reproduction II wasoffspring of the daughters from the livestock imported).




To solve the tasks set, a scientific and economic experiment was organized under conditions of the LLC “Don-Agro” in Lower Volga Region of Russia. The samples analysis and data analysis were performed in the laboratory of the Volga Region Research Institute of Manufacture and Processing of Meat-And-Milk Production, Volgograd, Russia.


Animals and Sampling

As mentioned above, Reproduction I included offspring of the livestock imported, Reproduction II was offspring of the daughters from the livestock imported. To conduct an analog method research, 2 groups of Animals at the age of 8 months were formed, 120 animals each. During the daytime, the test animals were grazed in the pasture and at night, they were kept in separate pens in fly camps. The housing conditions and the feed of all of the animals were similar. The rations were developed on the basis of the requirements established (Dunham and Call, 1989; DeLaval, 2001; Kalashnikov et al., 2003) with the “Korm Optima Expert” program complex (“KormOptima”, Russia) used.


Morphological and biochemical compositions of blood were monitored using URIT-800 Vet and URIT-3020 (URIT Medical Electronic Co., Ltd., China) analyzers (Gorlov et al., 2018). Blood for research was monthly selected from the jugular vein. The state of natural resistance was determined by the tests characterizing the phagocytic activity of the white blood cells (Kondrakhin, 2004; Day and Schultz, 2014).


Exterior parameters, dynamics of live weight gain (including overall live weight gain and average daily weight gain) were estimated in accordance with Government standard (GOST) 25967-83 “Breeding registered cattle. Methods for determination of productive parameters of beef cattle”.


All applicable international, national, and institutional guidelines for the care and use of animals were followed. Experiments were performed in accordance with the Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals (Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals, 2011).


Raw Meat Samples Evaluation

Slaughter traits were studied using GOST 18157-88 “Slaughtered animal products. Terms and definitions” and GOST R 54315-2011 “Cattle for slaughter. Beef and veal carcasses, semi-carcasses and quarters. Specifications”.


Chemical composition of meat was analyzed in accordance with following GOST: 33319-2015 “Meat and meat products. Method for determination of moisture content”, 25011-81 “Meat and meat products. Methods of protein determination”, 23042-2015 “Meat and meat products. Methods of fat determination”, 31727-2012 (ISO 936:1998) “Meat and meat products. Determination of total ash”, 23041-2015 “Meat and meat products. Method for determination of oxyproline”; the content of tryptophan was established using a capillary electrophoresis system “KAPEL®-105M” (Lumeks, Russia).


The protein quality indicator (PQI) was calculated using the following formula:




Cost-effectiveness Analysis

The cost-effectiveness of beef production was counted based on the annual actual and intrafarm economic effect and according to Minakov (2015) using the following formulas:










Statistical Analysis

The data on different variables, obtained from the experiment, were statistically analyzed by Statistica 10 package (Stat Soft Inc.). The significance of differences between the indices was determined using the criteria of nonparametric statistics for the linked populations (differences with P>0.95 were considered significant: aP>0.999; bP>0.99; cP>0.95; ns = not significant at P<0.95). Student’s t-test was applied for the statistical analysis (Johnson and Bhattacharyya, 2010). The mean of a set of measurements was calculated according to the formula:

125319.png, where 125309.png is a mean value; 125299.png is the sum of all xi withi ranging from 1 to n, n is a number of measurements. The residual variation is expressed as a root mean square error (r.m.s.e.): 125290.png

The standard error of mean (s.e.m.) was calculated by the formula:



The reliability of a sample difference (Student’s t-distribution) was estimated by the test of the difference validity, which is the ratio between the sample difference to the non-sampling error. The test of the difference validity was determined by the formula: 125274.png,


where t is a Student’s t-distribution; (125264.png) is a difference of the sample mean measurements; 125255.png is a sample difference error; s.e.m.1, s.e.m.2 is a non-sampling error of the sample statistics compared; tst is a standard criterion according to the t-Table for the probability threshold preset depending on degrees of freedom; n1, n2 is a number of measurements in the samples compared; d.f. is a degrees of freedom for difference of two mean measurements.




One of the parameters characterizing the state of the animal’s organism in acclimatization is its hematological composition (Danicke et al., 2016; Levakhin et al., 2017). Our study has shown that in blood of the steers ofReproductions I and II, the concentrations of erythrocytes and hemoglobin were within the physiological norm and varied insignificantly. So, in terms of the erythrocyte concentration, the difference between the steers of Reproductions I and II was 0.30-1012 per L or 3.51% (ns) and of hemoglobin 1.8 gper L or 1.42% (ns) in favour of the steers of Reproduction II.


The blood of the youngsters of Reproduction II contained more leukocytes at significant difference. The content of total protein in blood serum was higher in steers of Reproduction II than in their peers of Reproduction I by 1.39 g per L or 1.70% (P>0.999) (Table 1). The album in fraction of proteins that positively correlates with meat production was higher in the blood serum of youngsters of Reproduction II by 2.69 g per L or 7.22% (P>0.999), respectively.


The markers of the animal’s adaptive ability can be indicators of natural resistance, such as bactericidal, lysozyme and phagocytic activities and phagocytic capacity (Scharf et al., 2007; Gorlov et al., 2016). The research study has shown that the steers of Reproduction II had higher indices of natural resistance at insignificant difference. So, the bactericidal activity of their leukocytes was higher than that of their analogs of Reproduction I by 2.89% (P>0.999), lysozyme activity by 5.39 (P>0.999) and phagocytic activity by 2.86% (P>0.999) (Table 2).The phagocytic number of steers of Reproduction II was higher than that of their peers Reproduction I by 0.35 (P>0.999), the phagocytic capacity was more by 2.10 thousands microbial bodies or 86.85% (P>0.999). With respect to the indices of the phagocytic index, the superiority of the steers of Reproduction II over their peers of Reproduction I was 0.44. The data obtained indicate a higher natural resistance of the steers of Reproduction II in comparison with Reproduction I.


Table 1: Hematologic indices of Animals


Index Reproduction
I (n = 120) II (n = 120)
mean s.e.m. mean s.e.m. P*

Erythrocytes, 1012 L-1

7.69 0.15 7.96 0.17


Leucocytes, 109 L-1

7.58 0.19 7.31 0.13


Hemoglobin, g L-1

126.7 2.70 128.5 3.02


Total protein, g L-1, incl.:

81.77 0.19 83.16 0.21


albumins, g L-1

37.26 0.16 39.95 0.25


globulins, g L-1

44.51 0.21 43.21 0.17


Calcium, mol L-1

2.53 0.05 2.64 0.06


Phosphorus, mol L-1

1.54 0.04 1.58 0.03


Carotene, mol L-1

1.56 0.05 1.71 0.04


*Note: a = P>0.999; b = P>0.99;c = P>0.95 compared with data on the Reproduction I; ns = not significant at P>0.05


Table 2: Natural resistance indices of Animals,%


Index Reproduction
I (n = 120) II (n = 120)
mean s.e.m. mean s.e.m. P*
Bactericidal activity 41.72 0.54 44.61 0.43


Lysozyme activity 29.80 0.31 35.19 0.26




35.17 0.42 38.03 0.37




2.26 0.05 2.61 0.04




(thous. microbial bodies)

24.18 0.35 26.28 0.31


Phagocytic index 4.37 4.81

*Note: a = P>0.999; b = P>0.99;c = P>0.95 compared with data on the Reproduction I; ns = not significant at P>0.05


Compared measurements of exterior parameters showed that the differences between the steers of Reproductions I and II were mostly insignificant. So, in terms of the height at withers, the steers of Reproduction II surpassed the peers of Reproduction I by 0.7 cm or 0.62% (P>0.95), oblique body length by 1.5 cm or 1.16% (P>0.999) and oblique lion length 0.4 cm or 0.86% (ns), but were inferior with respect to the width of chest by 0.4 cm or 0.95% (ns) andwidth at hook bones by 0.3 cm or 0.65% (Table 3). Their insignificant superiority has been established also in terms of width of lion and thurls. Consequently, the steers of Reproduction I were more wide-bodied in comparison with the peers of Reproduction II, whereas the Reproduction II steers were taller with a longer trunks. This conclusion was confirmed by the values of the body build parameters. So, in comparison with Reproduction I, the parameter of length of the legs was larger in steers of Reproduction II by 0.70, the lengthiness of the body by 0.61,but the chest parameter was less by 0.22, blockiness by 2.45 and massiveness by 1.98 (Table 4).


Table 3: Measurements of exterior parameters of Animals at 16 months, cm


Index Reproduction
I (n = 120) II (n = 120)
mean s.e.m. mean s.e.m. P*
Height at withers 113.60 0.28 114.30 0.20


Height at hips 115.70 0.34 116.10 0.26


Oblique body length 129.40 0.21 130.90 0.37


Chest girth 173.20 0.67 172.00 0.52


Pastern girth 17.20 0.07 17.20 0.05


Width of chest 41.90 0.20 41.50 0.15


Chest depth 65.20 0.25 64.80 0.19


Oblique loin length 46.50 0.37 46.90 0.24


Width at hook bones 46.30 0.17 46.00 0.23


Width of loin 19.20 0.09 19.00 0.12


Width at thurls 45.60 0.06 45.40 0.19


Note: a = P>0.999; b = P>0.99;c = P>0.95 compared with data on the Reproduction I; ns = not significant at P>0.05


Table 4: Body built parameters of Animals


Index Reproduction
I (n = 120) II (n = 120)
Length of the legs 42.61 43.31
Lengthiness of the body 113.91 114.52
Chest 64.26 64.04
Blockiness 133.85 131.40
Overgrowth 101.85 101.57
Massiveness 152.46 150.48
Narrowquarters 41.47 41.30

Some researchers believe that the most objective parameter of the acclimatization ability of animals is their productivity (Blanc et al., 2006; Mulliniks et al., 2016).The study has shown that the experimental steers in both groups had high productivity with the difference in the live weight gain between the steers of the two reproductions to be insignificant. However, there was an insignificant tendency of the live weight excess in steers of Reproduction II. So, with respect to the live weight, the differences between the groups varied from 1.0 to 5.6 kg in different age periods (Table 5). In terms of the overall live weight gain for the period of growth from 8 to 16 months of age, the difference in favour of the steers of Reproduction II was 4.2 kg (ns), and the average daily gain of live weight was higher by 17.5 g (ns).


Table 5: Live weight gain of Animals, kg


Age, months Reproduction
I (n = 120) II (n = 120)
mean s.e.m. mean s.e.m. P*
8 231.2 2.62 232.6 2.38


10 290.3 2.76 292.2 3.41


12 356.1 3.12 358.3 3.62


14 420.0 2.60 421.0 3.91


16 477.1 3.45 482.7 3.77


Overall live weight gain 245.9 2.19 250.1 1.68


Average daily weight gain 1024.6 11.72 1042.1 10.30


*Note: a = P>0.999; b = P>0.99;c = P>0.95 compared with data on the Reproduction I; ns = not significant at P>0.05


The slaughter indices of Angus steers of different reproductions was studied with respect to the control slaughter results when they reached the age of 16 months. The lifetime evaluation of steers selected for the control slaughter (15 animals in each group) showed that all of them had high finish. At the age of 16 months, the pre-slaughter weight of the youngsters of Reproduction II was greater than that of the peers of Reproduction I by 7.53 kg or 1.66% (Table 6). In terms of the weight of hot carcasses, the steers of Reproduction II surpassed the peers of Reproduction I by 6.39 kg or 2.46% (P>0.95), respectively, and the carcass yield by 0.45%. The internal slaughter fat in the body of the steers of Reproduction II was higher than that of their peers by 0.71 kg or 4.60% (P>0.95). Due to the heavier carcasses and greater weight of internal slaughter fat of the steers of Reproduction II, the slaughter weight was greater by 7.10 kg or 2.58% (P>0.95), respectively, and the slaughter yield was higher by 0.55 %. The flesh weight in carcasses of the steers of Reproduction II was more than that of their peers by 5.22 kg or 2.46% (P>0.95) with the flesh yield and fleshing index in carcasses to differ insignificantly. The analysis of the average flesh sample from the experimental steers indicated no significant changes in the chemical composition of beef from steers of Reproduction II. The dry matter content in their meat increased by 0.13% (ns), protein by 0.07 (ns) and fat by 0.05% (Table 7). All the differences did not exceed the sampling error. A similar trend was also observed in the chemical composition of the Longissimus muscle. The research has established no significant difference in the amino acid composition of the Longissimus muscle.


Table 6: Slaughter indices and morphological composition of carcasses of Animals (n = 15)


Criteria of slaughter quality Reproduction
I (n = 15) II (n = 15)
mean s.e.m. mean s.e.m. P*
Pre-slaughter weight, kg 454.31 3.61 461.84 3.24


Weight of hot carcass, kg 260.00 2.04 266.39 2.01


Carcass yield, % 57.23 57.68

Weight of


slaughter fat, kg

15.45 0.18 16.16 0.23


Fat yield, % 3.40 3.50
Slaughter weight, kg 275.45 2.29 282.55 2.14


Slaughter yield, % 60.63 61.18
Weight of chilled carcass, kg 258.10 2.01 264.32 1.98


Flesh weight, kg 212.05 1.63 217.27 1.76


Flesh yield, % 82.16 82.20
Weight of bones, kg 40.57 0.43 41.66 0.52


Bone yield, % 15.72 15.76
Weight of tendons, kg 3.48 0.14 3.39 0.17


Tendons yield, % 2.12 2.04
Fleshingindex 5.23 5.22

*Note: a = P>0.999; b = P>0.99;c = P>0.95 compared with data on the Reproduction I; ns = not significant at P>0.05


The calculation of economic efficiency has found that during the period of the experiment, the live weight gain of the steers of Reproduction II was more than that of Reproduction I by 4.2 kg, while the feed costs per 1 kg of the gain were less by 0.1 EFU (energetic feed unit). The production costs for the experimental groups of steers were equal (Table 8). In comparison with the Reproduction I, the sales proceeds from the Reproduction II amounted to 319.7 EUR, which was more by 5.4 EUR. The advantage of the received profit contributed to the fact that the profitability of beef production exceeded the same parameter in Reproduction I by 2.1%. The average values were calculated as economic indicators up to spring 2018, when the RUR/EUR exchange rate was 70.4.


Table 7: Chemical composition of meat


Component Reproduction
I (n = 15) II (n = 15)
mean s.e.m. mean s.e.m. P*
Average sample
Moisture, % 67.30 0.14 67.17 0.14


Dry matter, %, incl.: 32.70 0.14 32.83 0.12


protein 18.97 0.11 19.04 0.08


fat 12.76 0.06 12.81 0.09


ash 0.97 0.01 0.98 0.01


Longissimus muscle
Moisture, % 76.91 0.15 76.80 0.16


Dry matter, %, incl.: 23.09 0.15 23.20 0.16


protein 19.86 0.12 19.91 0.15


fat 2.25 0.04 2.30 0.03


ash 0.98 0.01 0.99 0.01


Tryptophan, mg% 451.67 1.56 449.89 0.98


Oxyproline, mg% 63.19 0.42 62.75 0.37


PQI 7.15 7.17


*Note: a = P>0.999; b = P>0.99;c = P>0.95 compared with data on the Reproduction I; ns = not significant at P>0.05


Table 8: Economic efficiency of breeding of Angus steers from Australia. The average values calculated as economic indicators up to spring 2018, the RUR/EUR exchange rate was 70.4.


Index Reproduction
Total gain, kg 245.9 250.1
Feed costs per 1 kg of weight gain, EFU 6.9 6.8
Production costs, EUR 245.79 245.79
Prime cost of 1 kg of gain, EUR 1.00 0.98
Beefsalesproceeds, EUR 314.36 319.73
Profit, EUR 68.57 73.94
Profitability level, % 27.9 30.0


*Note: EFU = energetic feed unit


Thus, the Angus steers of Australian selection successfully got acclimatized to the conditions of the sharply continental climate of the Lower Volga Region of Russia. The steers of Reproduction II did not reduce their productive qualities and surpassed their analogs of Reproduction I with respect to the linear growth and slaughter indices.





The authors are grateful to the Russian Federation Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FASO Russia) for the financial support in the implementation of this research according to the state assignment of NIIMMP.


Conflict of Interest


Authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


Authors Contribution


Ivan Fiodorovich Gorlov, Aleksandr Sergeevich Filatov: Study conception and design.

Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Randelin, Klavdiia Vladimirovna Ezergail: Measurements, Acquisition and Analysis of data.

Yuri Dmitrievich Danilov, Elena Yurievna Zlobina: Interpretation of data and Drafting of manuscript.

Aleksei Nikolaevich Sivko, Baatr Kanurovich Bolaev, Aleksandr Petrovich Kokhanov: Critical revision.

All authors read and approved the final manuscript.




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    Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


    Vol. 12, Iss. 11, pp. 2062-2300


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