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Case Report



Prevalence of Different Diseases of Dogs Recorded at Central Veterinary Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Obaidul Islam*, Shameema Khatun, Sheikh Abul Kalam Azad, Mustasim Famous, Mohammad Misbah Uddin

Faculty of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet-3100, Bangladesh.


Abstract | The study was conducted to ascertain the prevalence of different diseases of dog attended at central veterinary hospital for treatment at Dhaka during the period from May 2018 to March 2019. The study examines the prevalence of dog diseases according to breed, age, sex and season. A total of 15 types of diseases and conditions in 5 categories were recorded in these pet dogs. The highest prevalence was found in parasitic infestation (27.41%) followed by viral diseases (25.37%) miscellaneous diseases including (23.35%), fungal diseases (12.69%) and bacterial diseases (11.17%). The highest prevalence was found dogs aged 7 to 36 months (39.09%), followed by above 36 months (30.96%) and lowest in puppies aged up to 6 months (29.95%). According to breed, the highest prevalence was observed in Cross breed (27.41%), followed by Doberman breed (25.38%), Local breed (23.35%), German shepherd breed (14.21%) and Labrador breed (9.64%). The highest season-wise prevalence of diseases in dog was in summer season (35.53%); followed by winter season (35.03%) and rainy season (29.44%).The sex-wise prevalence of diseases in dog was observed in female (51.27%) and male (48.73%).


Keywords | Prevalence, Diseases, German Shepherd, Season, Infestation


Received | May 24, 2019; Accepted | Junr 25, 2019; Published | June 29, 2019

*Correspondence | Obaidul Islam, Faculty of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet-3100, Bangladesh; Email:

Citation | Islam O, Khatun S, Azad SAK, Famous M, Uddin MM (2019). Prevalence of different diseases of dogs recorded at central veterinary hospital, dhaka, bangladesh. Res J. Vet. Pract. 7(9): 53-57.


ISSN (Online) | 2307-8316; ISSN (Print) | 2309-3331

Copyright © 2019 Islam et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.




Pet keeping is usually associated with certain responsibilities like proper housing facilities, disease management (William et al., 2002). Dogs may be the most frequent household pet around the world (Chomel, 1992). The close bond between dogs and humans remain a major threat to public health, with dogs harboring a bewildering number of infective disease causative agents transmissible to man and other domestic animals (Robertson et al., 2000; Molyneux, 2004). Although dogs and man have lived together generally to their mutual benefit for thousands of years, since dogs share the same environment with humans, they constitute an important reservoir of zoonotic diseases (Kornblat and Schantz, 1980). Household pets have been found to play a direct role in transmitting zoonosis (Dada et al, 1979). Several species of dog (e.g. German shepherd, Doberman, Labrador etc) have been imported from abroad and are selling at Kataban Market at Dhaka city of Bangladesh. Rearing of pet animals is becoming popular in urban cities of Bangladesh day by day. But pet owners are not aware of the diseases of pet animals, their medication, vaccination etc. In Bangladesh there are very few studies about diseases of dogs. The present studies was designed to investigate the prevalence of diseases in pet dogs came for treatment at central veterinary hospital, Dhaka.



To determine the clinical prevalence of different diseases in dog came at central veterinary hospital for treatment.


Table 1: Age-wise prevalence (%) of the diseases in dog


Name of diseases

Up to 6 months

No. (%)

7-36 months

No. (%)

>36 months

No. (%)


No. (%)

Bacterial disease 03(1.53) 09(4.57) 10(5.08) 22(11.17)
Leptospirosis 02(1.02) - - 02(1.02)


- 03(1.52) 06(3.05) 09(4.57)
Pyoderma 01(0.51) 06(3.05) 04(2.03) 11(5.59)
Viral diseases 22(11.16) 17(8.63) 11(5.59) 50(25.38)
Canine distemper 11(5.58) 04(2.03) - 15(7.61)
Canine parvovirus enteritis 04(2.03) 03(1.52) - 07(3.55)
Rabies - 06(3.05) 02(1.02) 08(4.07)

Viral fever

07(3.55) 04(2.03) 09(4.57) 20(10.15)
Fungal diseases 05(2.54) 13(6.06) 07(3.55) 25(12.69)


05(2.54) 13(6.06 07(3.55) 25(12.15)
Parasitic diseases 13(6.61) 24(12.18) 17(8.63) 54(27.41)
Mite infestation - 04(2.03) 09(4.57) 13(6.60)
Lice infestation 02(1.02) 07(3.55) 03(1.52) 12(6.09)
Toxocariasis 09(4.57) 05(2.54) 02(1.02) 16(8.12)
Ancylostomiasis 02(1.02) 08(4.06) 03(1.52) 13(6.60)
Miscellaneous diseases 16(8.12) 14(7.10) 16(8.12)


Malnutrition 09(4.57) 11(5.58) 05(2.54) 25(12.69)
Nonspecific diarrhoea 05(2.54) 03(1.52) 07(3.55) 15(7.61)
Gastritis 02(1.02) - 04(2.03) 06(3.05)
Overall 59(29.95) 77(39.09) 61(30.96)



Table 2: Breed-wise prevalence (%) of the diseases in dog


Name of diseases

German Shepherd

No (%)


No (%)


No (%)


No (%)


No (%)


No (%)

Bacterial disease 03(1.52) 08(4.46) 01(0.51) 08(4.06) 02(1.02) 22(11.17)
Leptospirosis 01(0.51) - - 01(0.51) - 02(1.02)
Kerato-conjunctivitis - 03(1.52) - 04(2.03) 02(1.02) 09(4.57)
Pyoderma 02(1.02) 05(2.54) 01(0.51) 03(1.52) - 11(5.58)
Viral diseases 09(4.57) 05(2.54) 02(1.02) 15(7.61) 19(9.64)


Canine distemper 03(1.52) - - 07(3.55) 05(2.54) 15(7.61)
Canine parvovirus enteritis - 03(1.52) 02(1.02) - 02(1.02) 07(3.55)
Rabies 01(0.51) 01(0.51) - 03(1.52) 03(1.52) 08(4.06)
Viral fever 05(2.54) 01(0.51) - 05(2.54) 09(4.57) 20(10.15)
Fungal diseases 03(1.52) 11(5.58) 02(1.02) 03(1.52) 02(1.02) 25(12.69)


03(1.52 11(5.58) 02(1.02) 03(1.52) 02(1.02) 25(12.69)
Parasitic diseases 08(4.06) 15(7.61) 09(4.57) 09(4.57) 13(6.60) 54(27.41)
Mite infestation - 04(2.03) 05(2.54) - 04(2.03) 13(6.60)
Lice infestation - 07(3.55) - 02(1.02) 03(1.52) 12(6.09)


07(3.55) 02(1.02) - 05(2.54) 02(1.02) 16(8.12)
Ancylostomiasis 01(0.51) 02(1.02) 04(2.03) 02(1.02) 04(2.03) 13(6.60)
Miscellaneous diseases 05(2.54) 11(5.58) 05(2.54) 15(7.61) 10(5.08) 46(23.35)
Malnutrition 03(1.52) 09(4.57) - 11(5.58) 02(1.02) 25(12.69)
Nonspecific diarrhoea 02(1.02) 02(1.02) 03(1.52) 03(1.52) 05(2.54) 15(7.61)
Gastritis - - 02(1.02) 01(0.51) 03(1.52) 06(3.05)
Overall 28(14.21) 50(25.38) 19(9.64) 54(27.41) 46(23.35)



Table 3: Season-wise prevalence (%) of the diseases in dog


Name of diseases

Winter season


No (%)

Summer season


No (%)

Rainy season


No (%)


No (%)


Bacterial disease 07(3.55) 09(4.57) 06(3.05) 22(11.17)
Leptospirosis 01(0.51) 01(0.51) - 02(1.02)


04(2.03) 03(1.52) 02(1.02) 09(4.57)
Pyoderma 02(1.02) 05(2.54) 04(2.03) 11(5.58)
Viral diseases 22(11.17) 17(8.63) 11(5.58) 50(25.38)
Canine distemper 07(3.55) 05(2.54) 03(1.52) 15(7.61)
Canine parvovirus enteritis 02(1.02) 01(0.51) 04(2.03) 07(3.55)
Rabies 02(1.02) 05(2.54) 01(0.51) 08(4.06)
Viral fever 11(5.58) 06(3.05) 03(1.52) 20(10.15)
Fungal diseases 08(4.06) 11(5.58) 06(3.05) 25(12.69)


08(4.06) 11(5.58) 06(3.05)


Parasitic diseases 18(9.18) 02(1.52) 21(10.66) 54(27.41)
Mite infestation 03(1.52) 03(1.52) 07(3.55) 13(6.60)
Lice infestation 04(2.03) 05(2.54) 03(1.52) 12(6.09)
Toxocariasis 07(9.18) 04(2.03) 05(2.54) 16(8.12)
Ancylostomiasis 04(2.03) 03(1.52) 06(3.05) 13(6.60)
Miscellaneous diseases 14(7.11) 18(9.18) 14(7.11) 46(23.35)
Malnutrition 04(2.03) 18(9.18) 08(4.06) 25(12.69)
Nonspecific diarrhoea 07(3.55) 03(1.52) 05(2.54) 15(7.61)
Gastritis 03(1.52) 02(1.02) 01(0.51) 06(3.05)
Overall 69(35.03) 70(35.53) 58(29.44)



Table 4: Sex-wise prevalence (%) of the diseases in dog


Name of diseases







Bacterial disease 11(5.58) 11(5.58) 22(11.17)
Leptospirosis 01(0.51) 01(0.51) 02(1.02)
Kerato-conjunctivitis 03(1.52) 06(3.05) 09(4.57)
Pyoderma 07(3.55) 04(2.03) 11(5.58)
Viral diseases 27(13.71) 23(11.68) 50(25.38)
Canine distemper 08(4.06) 07(3.55) 15(17.61)
Canine parvovirus enteritis 03(1.52) 04(2.03) 07(3.55)
Rabies 05(2.54) 03(1.52) 08(4.06)
Viral fever 11(5.58) 09(4.57)


Fungal diseases 14(7.11) 11(5.58) 25(12.69)


14(7.11) 11(5.58) 25(12.69)
Parasitic diseases 26(13.20) 28(14.21) 54(27.41)
Mite infestation 05(2.54) 08(4.06) 13(6.60)
Lice infestation 07(3.55) 05(2.54) 12(6.09)
Toxocariasis 09(4.57) 07(3.55) 16(6.12)
Ancylostomiasis 05(2.54) 08(4.06) 13(6.60)
Miscellaneous diseases 18(9.18) 28(14.21) 46(23.35)
Malnutrition 10(5.08) 15(7.61) 25(12.69)
Nonspecific diarrhoea 06(3.05) 09(4.57) 15(7.61)
Gastritis 02(1.02) 04(2.03) 06(3.05)
Overall 96(48.73) 101(51.27)





Ethics Statement

The handling of dogs in the study was done in accordance with the present Bangladesh legislation (Cruelty to Animal Act 1920, Act No 1 of 1920 of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh). The specific experimental design was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Sylhet Agricultural University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Sylhet, Bangladesh.


The handling of animals in the study was performed in accordance with the current Bangladesh legislation (Cruelty to Animals Act 1920, Act No. I of 1920 of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh). The specific experimental design was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Sylhet Agricultural University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Sylhet, Bangladesh.The specific experimental design was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Sylhet Agricultural University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Sylhet, Bangladesh. The specific experimental design was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Sylhet Agricultural University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Sylhet, Bangladesh.


Study Area, Study Period and Study Population

The study was conducted at Central Veterinary Hospital, one of the most renowned governmental veterinary hospitals in the Dhaka city of Bangladesh. Dogs were brought to the hospital from all over the Dhaka city for treatment. The study was conducted from May 2018 to March 2019 to determine the prevalence of dog diseases. A total of 197 dogs were investigated in this study.


Statistical Analysis

All the data obtained from Central Veterinary Hospital, were organized, structure and analyzed with the help of Microsoft Corporation, 2007 windows package. The obtained information was loaded and stored on the excel spread sheet. The collected data are analysis through tabular and percentage.




A total of 5 types of diseases including bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic and miscellaneous diseases were recorded in 197 sick dogs. Table 1 details the age wise prevalence, Table 2 shows the breed-specific risks of diseases for the 5 breeds of dogs, Table 3 shows the seasonality of dogs’ diseases and Table 4 shows the sex wise prevalence.




This study revealed the most prevalent dog diseases in Central Veterinary Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh as bacterial disease, viral disease, fungal, parasitic and miscellaneous. The current study was designed to fill a critical data gap relating to disorder prevalence information that has been identified as a constraint to improving dog welfare (Bateson, 2010; Rooney et al., 2008; APGAW, 2009). Overall prevalence of the different diseases in dogs showed highest prevalence of parasitic infestation (27.41%), followed by viral diseases (25.38%), miscellaneous diseases (23.35%), fungal diseases (12.69%) and bacterial diseases (11.17%). These results supported the earlier works made in different areas of Bangladesh (Rahman, 1988) and elsewhere (Hazlett et al., 1983; William et al., 2002; Freeman et al., 2006; Meler et al., 2008). The highest prevalence of diseases in dog was found in cross breed (27.41%), followed by Doberman breed (25.38%), local breed (23.35%), German shepherd (14.21%), Labrador (9.64%) which was supported by Mahmud et al., 2014. According to the animal health trust, dog diseases are most prevalent on autumn to winter. In the present study the highest prevalence of diseases was observed in the summer season (35.53%), followed by winter (35.03%), and rainy season (29.44%). The sex wise highest prevalence of diseases in dog was observed in the female (51.27%), than male (48.23%) and the age wise highest prevalence of diseases in dog was observed in 7-36 months (47.512%), followed in above 36 months (30.96%), and up to 6 months (29.95%). Soumitra et al. 2016 reported that the highest prevalence of dog diseases is higher in more than 18 months of age. These results also support the earlier works done in Bangladesh (Rahman, 1988, Tarafder and Samad, 2010).




From the study it is recapitulated that the higher occurrence of diseases in dog is the serious concern for the pet owners. Among infectious cases parasitic diseases were in higher percentage than other type of diseases. The highest percentage was observed in adult dog in addition the female dog was mostly susceptible to diseases than male. Cross breed was mostly susceptible to diseases and the highest percentage of diseases was observed in summer season than other seasons. The cross breed dog should be vaccinated schedule wise to reduce their disease occurrence and proper care should be taken to female dog during pregnancy and parturition to minimize stress. Regular deworming and safe food supply is necessary to prevent parasitic infection. However due to insufficient information and lack of proper diagnosis it might not be the exact representation. So, further advance study is needed to determine the exact association of different type of diseases.




The authors express their deep sense of gratitude to Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO), Veterinary Surgeon (VS) and all the staffs of Central Veterinary Hospital, Dhaka who cooperated during the period of data collection.




It is clearly stated that all authors has contributed significantly to the study.




The authors declare that no conflict of interest exists.




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