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Research Article

Research Journal for Veterinary Practitioners 1 (4): 43 – 45

Status of Trace Mineral Deficiency in Sheep and Goat in Kashmir Valley

Muhammad Iqbal Yatoo1, Archana Saxena2, Ricky Jhambh1, Showkat Ul Nabi1, Deepa Padinjare Melepad1, Pankaj Kumar3, Umesh Dimri1, Mahesh Chander Sharma4

  1. Division of Medicine, Indian Veterinary Research Institue, Izatnagar, Barielly, U.P.–243122
  2. CSIR–CIMAP, Lucknow, UP– 226015
  3. ICAR–RCER, Patna, Bihar– 800014
  4. Indian Council of Agriculture Research, HQ New Delhi–110114


ARTICLE CITATION: Yatoo MI, Saxena A, Jhambh R, Nabi SU, Melepad DP, Kumar P, Dimri U and Sharma MC (2013). Status of trace mineral deficiency in sheep and goat in Kashmir Valley. Res. j. vet. pract. 1 (4): 43 – 45.
Received: 2013–07–24, Revised: 2013–10–04, Accepted: 2013–10–07
The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at ( ) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited


The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of trace mineral deficiency in sheep and goat in Kashmir valley. For this purpose fifty three blood samples from cross bred sheep and thirty five blood samples from cross bred goats were taken. The samples were analyzed for trace minerals by atomic absorption (AAS) spectrophotometer and prevalence was calculated. The average prevalence of copper deficiency in sheep and goat was observed to be 43.39% and 45.71%, respectively. Overall prevalence of iron deficiency in sheep and goat was 18.86% and 20.00%, respectively. Overall prevalence of zinc deficiency in sheep and goat was observed to be 33.93% and 40.00%, respectively. The average prevalence of cobalt deficiency in sheep and goat was observed to be 22.64% and 20.00%, respectively. Higher prevalence of copper followed by zinc, cobalt and iron deficiency was found in sheep and goat. From the present study it is clear that lower production and poor performance of sheep and goat in Kashmir valley may be attributed to the trace mineral deficiency. Hence supplementation with mineral supplements may be recommended.


Small ruminant production represents the principal economic output, contributing a large share of the income of farmers in many parts of Asia and Africa (Ben Salem and Smith, 2008). Trace mineral deficiency affect production and performance of sheep and goat (Xin et al., 2011; Lengarite et al., 2012). Mineral deficiencies are common in sheep and goat grazing poor quality pastures and reared under traditional system (Sowande et al., 2008; Kawas et al., 2010; Xin et al., 2011). Trace mineral deficiency is not recognized easily, especially in small ruminants as deficiency exists in flocks in subclinical form and affect fertility, growth rate and wool yield (Vázquez–Armijo et al., 2011). Trace mineral deficiency also causes ill thrift, abortion, placental retention, death of lambs, reduction in immunity, increased susceptibility to bacterial and parasitic infections (Suttle, 2010).

In India trace mineral status of different states has been studied ( Gupta et al., 2008; Singh, 2009) and status of deficiency has been evaluated (Sharma et al., 2003; Sharma et al. 2006). Such study is lacking in Kashmir valley where small ruminants form an important part of rural economy. Hence the present study was carried out to study the prevalence of trace mineral deficiency in sheep and goat and accordingly devise the strategies to prevent the occurrence of deficiency.


A total of 53 cross breed sheep and 35 cross breed goats were randomly selected for the survey purpose from three districts (Budgam, Pulwama and Srinagar) of Kashmir valley. All the selected animals were females in the age group of 1–3 year, grazing in same pastures and reared under similar managemental conditions.

Blood samples were collected by jugular vein puncture, 3ml in tubes without any anti–coagulant for harvesting serum. The separated serum samples were stored at –20C for pending analysis of minerals.

Copper, iron, zinc and cobalt were estimated by atomic absorption spectrophotometry after digesting the serum samples by the procedure of Kolmer et al. (1951). AAS (Model No. AAS 4141) manufactured by Electronic Corporation of India (ECIL), Hyderabad was used in present investigation. Data collected from this study were analyzed as per the method described by Snedecor and Cochran (1994) for mean and standard error. Prevalence is calculated by dividing no. of deficient animals with the total no. of animals in an area and expressed in percentage (Marchevsky, 1974).


The average prevalence of copper deficiency in sheep and goat of the Kashmir valley was observed to be 43.39% and 45.71%, respectively. Highest prevalence of copper deficiency in sheep was observed in Central zone of Srinagar (66.60%) and lowest in Khan–Sahab and Kaka–Pora (33.33% each). Highest prevalence of copper deficiency in goats was observed in Chrarisharief and Kaka–Pora (66.66% each) and lowest in West zone of Srinagar (33.33%). Overall prevalence of iron deficiency in sheep and goat of the Kashmir valley was observed to be 18.86% and 20.00%, respectively. Highest prevalence of iron deficiency in sheep was observed in Central zone of Srinagar and Pampore (33.33% each) and lowest in Chrari–Sharief (12.50%). Highest prevalence of iron deficiency in goats was observed in Central zone of Srinagar (50.00%) and lowest in Chadoora (18.18%). Overall prevalence of zinc deficiency in sheep and goat of the Kashmir valley was observed to be 33.93% and 40.00%, respectively. Highest prevalence of zinc deficiency in sheep was observed in South zone of Srinagar (80.00%) and lowest in Chadoora and Pulwama (20.00% each). Highest prevalence of zinc deficiency in goats was observed in Chadoora (54.54%) and lowest in Pulwama (20.00%). The average prevalence of cobalt deficiency in sheep and goat of the Kashmir valley was observed to be 22.64% and 20.00%, respectively. Highest prevalence of cobalt deficiency in sheep was observed in Chrari–sharief (37.50%) and lowest in Pulwama (20.00%). Highest prevalence of cobalt deficiency in goats was observed in Pulwama (40.00%) and lowest in Chadoora (18.18%).


Higher prevalence of copper deficiency followed by zinc, cobalt and iron deficiency in sheep and goat. Present study can be contributed to the higher deficiency of copper, zinc and cobalt in the soil and fodder of this region (Yatoo et al., 2011). Booshan et al. (2010) have reported copper deficiency in goats. Copper deficiency causes many ill effects like loss of wool quality, loss of weight, diarrhoea and death in young ones (Radostits et al., 2007; Khan et al., 2007). Humann–Ziehank et al. (2008) have reported zinc deficiency in sheep. Yatoo et al. (2013) have also reported higher deficiency of zinc followed by copper and cobalt in goats. Zinc is essential for normal health, metabolism and immunity (Pavlata et al., 2011).

In our study cobalt deficiency was lower in goats than in sheep. Goats’ presumably have similar requirements of cobalt as sheep (Smith and Sherman, 2009) but are less sensitive to cobalt deficiency than sheep ( Clark et al., 1987). Lower prevalence deficiency of iron in sheep and goat may be due to the adequate content of iron in forages (Yatoo et al., 2011). Higher deficiency of trace minerals in sheep and goat in urban areas may be related to availability of less and poor quality fodders than the rural areas.

The present state of trace mineral deficiency in sheep and goat in Kashmir valley may be attributed to the lack of knowledge regarding scientific feeding in general and unawareness about the implications of trace mineral deficiency in particular. Lengarite et al. (2012) have also reported mineral deficiency in grazing sheep and goat in arid range lands.

Based on the present findings it can be concluded that the sheep and goat in Kashmir valley are predisposed to trace mineral deficiency under the present feeding systems. Hence mineral supplementation in the form of mineral mixture or mineral drenching of these animals is imperative.

Author's Contribution
MIY implemented the study design. MCS, UD and PK provided the necessary guidance and drafted manuscript. AS, RJ, SUN and DPM helped in sample processing. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


Authors are thankful to Director, IVRI for supporting this research work. Thanks are also due to the staff of Clinical Medicine Laboratory, IVRI for providing much needed help.


Authors declare that they have no competing interests.


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