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Relationship between Components of Resistance to Late Leaf Spot in Groundnut Botanical Genotypes





Research Article

Relationship between Components of Resistance to Late Leaf Spot in Groundnut Botanical Genotypes

Muhammad Ijaz, Sayed Rashad Ali Shah*, Muhammad Izhar-ul-Haq and Amir Afzal

Barani Agricultural Research Institute, Chakwal, Pakistan.

Abstract | Late leaf spot (LLS) is the most destructive, widespread, and consistent in occurrence disease of groundnut worldwide. LLS is the imperative factor while developing resistance varieties along with agronomic characteristics. In total, 153 groundnut botanically different genotypes namely Virginia, Spanish, and Valencia were screened under filed conditions and detached leaf assay against LLS pathogen. Most of genotypes during three years of study at early assessments under field conditions showed resistant response whereas, at late assessments most of genotypes were susceptible. In pathogen-host relationship several components of partial resistance have been proposed. Under detached leaf assay Virginia type groundnut showed minimum spots per leaf, sporulation, and product of spots per leaf and sporulation, spots per leaf and percent area diseased per leaf and spots per leaf and defoliation indices. Correlation between defoliation and spots per leaf are negative in Virginia (-0.12 to 0.22) and Spanish (-0.39 to 0.01), whereas positive in Valencia (0.17 to 0.78) were calculated. While positive correlation between multiple of spots per leaf and sporulation were computed.

Received | September 26, 2018; Accepted | April 20, 2019; Published | May 02, 2019

*Correspondence | Sayed Rashad Ali Shah, Barani Agricultural Research Institute, 13km-Talagang Road, Chakwal, Pakistan; Email:

Citation | Ijaz, M., S.R.A. Shah, M.I. Haq and A. Afzal. 2019. Relationship between components of resistance to late leaf spot in groundnut botanical genotypes. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 32(2): 390-397.


Keywords | Defoliation, Leaf spot reaction indices, Pathogen-host relationship, Rainfed, Sporulation


Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important monoecious legume in the world mainly grown for oil seed, food and animal feed (Upadhyaya et al., 2006). Among fungal foliar diseases, late leaf spot caused by Cercosporidium personatum (Berk. and Curt.), is very important diseases on groundnut causing quality and yield losses. (Pretorius, 2006). The LLS pathogen causes severe defoliation and ultimately affects yields. The disease development is optimal at 20°C and high relative humidity lasting for more than 12 hours per day. (Kokalis-Burelle et al., 1997). Lesions are roughly circular, darker brown without a definite chlorotic halo. On the adaxial side of the leaflets, lesions are almost black. LLS usually occur later in the season and is often seen as a complex with other leaf spots. Most of the late leaf spot spores are formed on the lower surface giving it a rough and tufted appearance, whereas upper leaf surface is generally smooth. Leaf spot can cause yield losses up to 50% worldwide (Tshilenge et al., 2012)

Arachis hypogaea ssp. Hypogaea, the Virginia and the Peru Types for instance, have a low growth habit (runner type) with growth period of four to five months or more and seeds exhibiting marked dormancy. Whereas, A. hypogaea ssp. Fastigiata, for example the Valencia and Spanish types, has an upright-growth habit (bunch type) with a growth period of three to four months and seeds without dormancy. Seeds of running types are usually used for direct consumption and confectionary purposes, whereas those of the Valencia and Spanish types are generally grown for oil extraction. (De Waele and Swanevelder, 2001).

Pixley et al. (1990) compared LLS epidemic rates and leaf area dynamics on the susceptible cv Florunner and three other partially resistant lines. Percent necrotic area in three leaf canopy layers (estimated by using a modified Horsfall-Barratt diagram), defoliation of the main stem (determined by counting missing leaflets) and leaf area index were recorded at seven to 10 day intervals. The leaf area index (LAI) was calculated as: LAI = specific leaf area x fraction leaf x biomass. This technique assumes that specific leaf area and the ratio of leaf weight to total aboveground plant weight (fraction leaf) are similar for neighboring plants of the same age and genotype. The specific leaf area is the ratio of leaf area to leaf mass. Leaf spot induced defoliation of Florunner progressed more rapidly on the other three partially resistant lines. Maintenance of higher LAI by the partially resistant lines was associated with sustained leaf production until maturity.

Objective of improvements in varieties of groundnut have included resistance to diseases especially leaf spot and other agronomic desirable characteristics. In last 60 years of groundnut production in Pakistan about 12 lines have been released for commercial cultivation. The groundnut varieties like B-4, Accession No. 45 and Accession No. 334 released before 1980 were developed under irrigated ecological conditions. These varieties were released for cultivation in all over the Pakistan but their responses to diseases had not been studied (Hussain and Ahmed, 1984). Later on variety BARI-11 (Naeem et al., 2012), was developed at Barani Agricultural Research Institute Chakwal which is drought tolerant, has more shelling percentage and has resistance against leaf spot and root rot diseases.

The aim of present study was to evaluate groundnut germplasm to sort out sources of resistance against LLS disease under field and lab conditions in semiarid tropics of Pakistan.

Materials and Methods

Screening under field conditions

In total, 153 groundnut genotypes were collected from different sources to investigate the sources of multivariate resistance against LLS under field conditions and detached leaf assay (Table 7). Among these 103 genotypes are Virginia, 45-Spanish and 5- Valencia botanical type. The experiment primarily was laid out in completely randomized design. All the genotypes were sown in plots of size measuring 1m × 0.3m (single row of 1m length) across the fertility and slop gradient. The sowing was done in already infested fields (Coffelt and Porter, 1986) and additionally LLS diseased leaves were collected at harvesting of previous year’s crop and kept under room conditions in craft paper bags were added in soil at time of sowing (Kishor et al., 2005). LLS naturally infected leaves were collected from farmer fields and LLS spots were excised and kept under a moist chamber lined with aluminum foil for 48 hours. These sporulated excised spots were blended in Molinex to obtain spore suspension for artificial inoculation. LLS conidial suspension (2 × 104 mL-1) was maintained under heamocytometer and sprayed inoculum on onset of summer rainfall.

Severity of LLS on groundnut entries was evaluated from 115 to 120 days after sowing, at 50% flowering and pod development stages according to 0-9 disease severity scale described by (Mayee and Datar, 1986) as under: where 0: No symptoms (Immune); 1: Few small necrotic spots covering 1% Or less of leaf area (Highly resistant). 3: Few small necrotic spots covering 1-5%of leaf area (Resistant). 5: Spots coalescing enlarging 6-20% of leaf area (Moderately susceptible). 7: Spots enlarging, coalescing to cover 21-50% of the compound leaf area (Susceptible) 9: Spots enlarging, coalescing to cover 51% or more of the leaf area (Highly susceptible).

Assessment of spots per leaf (SL) and defoliation (Def)

Severity of leaf spot on groundnut entries was evaluated. Numbers of spots per leaf (SL) were counted. Defoliation (Def) was assessed on 1 to 10 scale where 1 is no defoliation and 10 is 100% leaves defoliated. Degree of sporulation (S) was determined on ten leaflets with infected leaves collected from 3rd and 4th node of randomly selected 5 plants from each plot. Collected leaf lets were washed with tap water and swabbed with cotton thereafter incubated

Table 1: Response of botanical genotype groundnut genotypes to LLS under field conditions.

Scoring cale Genotypes Response First year Second year Third year
Flowering stage Pod formation Flowering stage Pod formation Flowering stage Pod formation
0 Immune            
1 Highly resistant            
3 Moderately resistant 5 1 48 1 19 2
5 Moderately susceptible 31   79 35 76 98
7 Susceptible 100 120 23 79 58 53
9 Highly susceptible 17 32 3 38    


Table 2: ANOVA of Leaf Spot Reaction Indices of Botanical Type Groundnut.

SoV DF Sum of squares




DA*S SL* S SL* DA %Inc.5

Def*S Def*SL



Plant Type 2


67.29** 1.66**



1481** 1412*





Geno-types 150 130 940 24.11 136. 2079. 20067 34365 10867.14 2520. 68125 13812
Total 152 135 1007. 25.76 137. 2131. 21548 35777. 10948.23 2593. 71329 13818
F. Cal.   2.92 5.36 5.16 0.48 1.85 5.54 3.08 0.56 2.166 3.53 0.03
Probability   0.057 0.0056 0.0068 - 0.161 0.004 0.049 - 0.12 0.032 -

1: Def-Defoliation%; 2: SL-Spots/leaf; 3: S-Sporulation; 4: DA- % area diseased/leaf; 5: %Inc. Incidence %.

Table 3: Index Means of Spots per Leaf, Sporulation, % Area Diseased per Leaf, Sporulation X % Area Diseased, Spots per Leaf X Sporulation and Spots per Leaf x % Area Diseased in Botanical Type Groundnut.

Botanical Plant type Def.1




DA*S SL *S SL * DA %Inc 5

Def*S Def*SL Def*DA
Virginia 8.19 8.88 3.12 4.29 13.45 28.64 38.54 18.62 25.50 72.44 35.29
SE± 0.09 0.25 0.04 0.09 0.37 1.14 1.49 0.84 0.40 2.10 0.95
Spanish 8.15 10.20 3.32 4.34 14.43 34.91 44.31 19.35 26.97 82.40 35.60
SE± 0.14 0.37 0.06 0.14 0.56 1.72 2.26 1.27 0.61 3.18 1.43
Valencia 9.20 7.67 2.92 3.90 11.65 23.36 31.57 15.20 26.90 70.87 36.19
SE± 0.42 1.12 0.18 0.43 1.67 5.17 6.77 3.81 1.83 9.53 4.29

1: Def-Defoliation%; 2: SL-Spots/leaf; 3: S-Sporulation; 4: DA- % area diseased/leaf; 5: %Inc. Incidence %

at ≈100% relative humidity under continuous light for 96 hours at 25±2oC (Pande and Rao, 2001). All lesions of sample were examined under stereoscope (Swift SM80HF, Made in Japan). Disease data were recorded and sporulation assessed on 0-5 scale modified from (Melouk and Banks, 1984) described in detail where, 0; No sporulation (Immune), 1: Spars sporulation, one to two stromata sporulating (Highly Resistant) 2; More than two stromata sporulating but less than half of total stromata on a spot (Resistant) 3; Sporulation moderate, half of the total stromata sporulating (Moderately susceptible) 4; Whole of the spot sporulating, (Susceptible) and 5; Heavy sporulation. Spores long, arose looking like mycelium and sometimes stromata sporulate on both sides of leaf (Highly susceptible).

In earlier studies assessments were based on sporulated stromata out of total stromata after counting of total stromata. Whereas, present studies emphasis is on number of sporulated stromata and intensity of sporulation rather on non-sporulated stromata. Data were recorded under stereoscopic microscope at 2X and 4X magnifications according to ease of counting.

Leaf spot reaction indices (LSRI)

Leaf spot reaction indices (LSRI) like multiple of sporulation and diseases area per leaf (S × DA), spots/leaf x sporulation (SL × S), spots/leaf × %area diseased (SL × DA), defoliation x sporulation (Def × S), defoliation x spots per leaf (Def × SL) were computed (Melouk and Banks, 1984).

Statistical analysis

ANOVA-1 was used for one-way comparison of means and significant variate was correlated to study their dependency on each other.

Results and Discussion

Screening of groundnut germplasm under field conditions against LLS during consecutive three years

First year: First observation on disease severity was recorded at flowering stage and none of genotypes showed diseased symptoms. Five genotypes exhibited minimum disease severity and showed moderately resistant response. Whereas, 31 genotypes were moderately susceptible, 100 were susceptible and 17 were found highly susceptible with more than 51 % diseased leaf area. Second observation was done at pod development stage, where only one genotype i.e. Chakori showed moderately susceptible response, while others 120 genotypes were susceptible and 32 genotypes showed highly susceptible response to LLS under field conditions (Table 1).

Second year: Next year disease severity observation at flowering stage exhibited different response to disease development where 48 genotypes were showed minimal disease severity exhibiting resistant response. Whereas, 79 genotypes were moderately resistant, 23 were moderately susceptible and three were found susceptible. At pod development stage, number of genotype increased in higher severity scales. There was no genotype which showed moderately resistant response to LLS except commercial cultivar Chakori, which remained resistant. However, 35 genotypes were moderately susceptible, 79 were susceptible and remaining 38 were found highly susceptible (Table 1).

Third Year: During third year, first disease observations were recorded at flowering stage. The response of 19 genotypes against LLS was moderately resistant, whereas 76 were moderately susceptible followed by 58 which showed highly susceptible response. At pod development stage, the response of number of genotypes gradually increased from susceptible to highly susceptible. It was observed that high disease scores were observed at later stages of crop growth i.e. pod development stage. Where only two genotypes showed moderately resistant response, 98 were moderately susceptible and 53 were found susceptible (Table 1). most of times at early stages of crop growth from 110 to 130 days after sowing during three years of study lesser disease scores were observed. Only few genotypes suffered maximum at their early stages of crop growth.

Leaf Spot Reaction Index (LSRI)

Non-consistent grouping of groundnut germplasm under field plot screening necessitated to study more than one variate in addition to diseased area per leaf.

One-way analysis of variance of multiple variables for LLS expression on botanical groundnut genotypes showed that spots per leaf (SL), sporulation (S), SL × S, SL × Diseased area (DA), and Defoliation (Def) × SL variables and interactions were significant to measure the disease expression (Table 2).

Valencia botanical type groundnut plants exhibited less SL values (7.67) than Spanish (10.20) and Virginia (8.88) type plants. Valencia type plants exhibited lesser mean values of S (2.92), SL × S (23.36), SL × DA (31.57) and SL × Def (70.87) than Virginia and Spanish botanical type plants (Table 3).

Table 4: Means of Spots per Leaf (SL), Sporulation(S) and Reaction indexes of SL × S, SL × % Area Diseased (DA) and SL × Defoliation in Botanical Type Groundnut.

Entry No. Genotype Botanical Type SL S S/L*S SL*DA Def*SL
1 Chakori Virginia 8.11 3.02 24.49 15.81 64.89
2 BANKI Virginia 10.08 3.33 33.55 40.32 80.64
3 GOLDEN Virginia 9.26 3.2 29.67 42.45 74.1
4 BARI2000 Virginia 10.78 3.43 37 52.15 97.02
5 PW Virginia 9.82 3.29 32.29 47.09 88.37
6 BARI-89 Virginia 11.58 3.55 41.1 60.2 104.26
7 PG-1018 Virginia 6.97 2.82 19.68 26.08 62.74
8 PG-1051 Virginia 6.83 2.8 19.1 30.53 47.79
9 PK-900123 Virginia 11.45 3.53 40.42 49.93 57.27
10 PK-900125 Virginia 10.91 3.45 37.65 28.86 76.36
11 PK-90061 Virginia 10.3 3.36 34.6 38.52 72.07
12 PK-90064 Virginia 9.97 3.31 33.02 37.3 49.85
13 ICGS-3 Virginia 8.28 3.05 25.24 27.22 66.26
141 BC-171-C Spanish 5.78 2.6 15.05 14.62 52.01
142 2KCG003 Spanish 5.69 2.59 14.73 18.88 45.54
143 PG-1013 Spanish 5.51 2.55 14.07 32.62 49.62
144 HUSTA-J Spanish 10.08 3.33 33.55 49.38 80.64
145 SUDAN Spanish 9.82 3.29 32.29 24.05 83.46
146 NO.73-27 Spanish 9.08 3.17 28.82 28.71 72.62
147 SHANG.DONG684 Spanish 10.37 3.37 34.98 42.77 86.87
148 BC-60 Spanish 9.8 3.29 32.2 60.4 88.18
149 BC-128 Valencia 8.15 3.03 24.65 31.56 81.49
150 BC-128C Valencia 5.83 2.61 15.24 24.74 58.31
151 BC-128D Valencia 11.91 3.59 42.78 60.72 107.17
152 BC-128F Valencia 7.67 2.94 22.58 28.69 69.01
153 01CG009 Valencia 4.8 2.41 11.55 12.13 38.37

Table 5: Ranking of Peanut Botanical Types on Means of SL, S or Reaction Indexes of SL × S, SL × DA and SL × Defoliation.



ICGV88475 Vg ICGV88475 Vg ICGV88475 Vg ICGV88475 Vg ICGV88475
2 Vg ICGV89235 Vg ICGV89235 Vg ICGV89235 VL 01CG009 Vg ICGV89235
3 Vg 01CG004 Vg 01CG004 Vg 01CG004 Sp BC-171-C Vg PI-13
4 Vg ICG-485 Vg ICG485 Vg ICG-485 Vg 2KCG005 VL 01CG009


01CG009 VL 01CG009 VL 01CG009 Vg Chakori Vg BC-170-B


PG-1013 Sp PG-1013 Sp PG-1013 Vg 01CG003 Vg 01CG004
7 Vg 01CG003 Vg 01CG003 Vg 01CG003 Vg ICGV89235 Vg ICG-485
8 Vg 96CG008 Vg 96CG008 Vg 96CG008 Vg 2KCG010 Vg 96CG008
9 Vg 2KCG005 Vg 2KCG005 Vg 2KCG005 Sp 2KCG003 Vg 2KCG005
10 Vg ICGV88429 Vg ICGV88429 Vg ICGV88429 Vg ICGV88473 Sp 2KCG003
11 Sp 2KCG003 Sp 2KCG003 Sp 2KCG003 Vg 2KCG021 Vg 2KCG010
12 Sp BC-171-C Sp BC-171-C Sp BC-171-C Vg 04CG008 Vg PG-1051
13 Vg BC-170-B Vg BC-170-B Vg BC-170-B Vg 01CG008 Vg 04CG008
141 Sp ICGV88329 Sp ICGV88329 Sp ICGV88329 Sp BC-60 VL BC-128D
142 Vg ICGV86550 Vg ICGV86550 Vg ICGV86550 VL BC-128D Vg 2KCG014
143 Sp ICGV88398 Sp ICGV88398 Sp ICGV88398 Sp ICGV86885 Vg BC-482-A
144 Sp ICGV88376 Sp ICGV88376 Sp ICGV88376 Sp BM-36 Sp ICGV88401
145 Vg BM-24 Vg BM-24 Vg BM-24 Vg BC-139-A Sp ICGV88316
146 Vg 2KCG014 Vg 2KCG014 Vg 2KCG014 Vg BC-71 Vg BC-139-A
147 Sp ICGV88338 Sp ICGV88338 Sp ICGV88338 Vg 2KCG014 Vg ICGV88315
148 Vg BC-482-A Vg BC-482-A Vg BC-482-A Vg BM-24 Vg 01CG002
149 Sp ICGV88362 Sp ICGV88362 Sp ICGV88362 Vg BC-482-A Vg BC-9
150 Sp BC-124C Sp BC-124C Sp BC-124C Sp ICGV88362 Sp ICGV88338
151 Sp ICGV88401 Sp ICGV88401 Sp ICGV88401 Sp BC-124C Sp ICGV88362
152 Vg ICGV88394 Vg ICGV88394 Vg ICGV88394 Vg 01CG002 Vg ICGV86128
153 Sp ICGV88316 Sp ICGV88316 Sp ICGV88316 Sp ICGV88316 Sp BC-124C

Vg: Virginia; Sp: Spanish; VL: Valencia; BT: Botanical type.

Table 6: Correlation between Spots/Leaf, Diseased Area/Leaf, Sporulation, Defoliation, Reaction Indexes of Defoliation*Spots/Leaf, Spots/Leaf x Diseased Area/Leaf, Spots/Leaf x Sporulation in Botanical Type Groundnut Germplasm. Cell contents correlation coefficient in every first row against the groundnut botanical type. Probability values in every second row against the groundnut botanical type.

Sr. No. Botanical Type SL &DA SL &S Def& SL Def*SL &Def Def*SL &SL SL*DA &SL SL*DA &DA SL*S &S
1 Virginia 0.20 0.99 -0.12 0.33 0.89 0.83 0.69 0.99
    0.04 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Spanish 0.03 0.99 -0.39 -0.02 0.93 0.73 0.68 0.99
    0.86 0.00 0.01 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Valencia 0.82 0.99 0.17 0.35 0.98 0.98 0.89 0.99
    0.06 0.00 0.78 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00
4 Polled 0.17 0.99 -0.19 0.22 0.90 0.81 0.69 0.99
    0.03 0.00 0.01 0.01 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

SL: Spots/Leaf, DA: % Area Diseased/Leaf, S: Sporulation, Def: Defoliation.

Among Virginia type plants accession No. ICGV88475 exhibited minimum SL (2.45), S (1.86), SL×S (4.55), SL × DA (6.1) and SL × Def (22.05) values (Table 5) and it ranked highly resistant genotype to LLS disease of groundnut.

Table 7: Sources of Groundnut Germplasm.

S.No Identification Description Donor agency Origin
1 ICGS ICRISAT groundnut selection. NARC, Islamabad ICRISAT
2 ICGV ICRISAT groundnut cultivar. NARC, Islamabad ICRISAT
3 00CG00 Year -Chakwal groundnut- BARI, Chakwal BARI, Chakwal
4 BC BARI Cross. BARI, Chakwal BARI, Chakwal
5 BM BARI Mutant. BARI, Chakwal BARI, Chakwal
6 PTGS Pak. trainee’s groundnut Selection. BARI, Chakwal BARI, Chakwal
7 PG Pakistan groundnut. NARC, Islamabad NARC, Islamabad
8 PK Pakistan groundnut (NARC). NARC, Islamabad NARC, Islamabad
10 LICN - NARC, Islamabad USA
11 NC North Carolina NARC, Islamabad USA
12 S-25 - NARC, Islamabad Not known
13 SUDAN - NARC, Islamabad Sudan
14 NO-73-27 - NARC, Islamabad Not Known
15 PI Groundnut Introduction NARC, Islamabad USA
16 Shang.dong-684 - NARC, Islamabad China
17 PW Pink white BARI, Chakwal BARI, Chakwal
18 BARI-188 Approved cultivar BARI, Chakwal BARI, Chakwal
19 BARI-89 Approved cultivar BARI, Chakwal BARI, Chakwal
20 BARI-2000 Approved cultivar BARI, Chakwal BARI, Chakwal
21 Chakori Approved cultivar BARI, Chakwal BARI, Chakwal
22 No.334 Approved cultivar BARI, Chakwal BARI, Chakwal
23 Banki Approved cultivar BARI, Chakwal BARI, Chakwal
24 Golden Approved cultivar BARI, Chakwal BARI, Chakwal


Among Valencia type accession No. 01CG009 showed minimum SL (4.8), S (2.41), SL × S (11.5), SL × DA (12.13) and SL × Def (38.37) reaction indices (Table 4). Minimum SL × DA (14.62) reaction indices among Spanish type plants showed by BC-171-C but PG-1013 exhibited minimum SL (5.51), S (2.55), and SL × S (21.52) reaction index values. Among commercial cultivars only Chakori showed lesser values of SL x DA (15.81) then other commercial cultivars. (Table 4)

Among highly resistant ten genotypes under SL, S, and SL × S indices eight entries were of Virginia group and one is from both Valencia and Spanish group. Under SL × DA seven entries were from Virginia, two from Spanish and one from Valencia group. Under SL × Def eight entries were from Virginia and one was from each of Valencia and Spanish group. Most of Spanish botanical type groundnut plants have higher values of SL, S and SL × S. Higher values of SL × DA and SL × Def encountered both, in Spanish and Virginia type groundnut plants. (Table 4).

Correlation between SL and DA values showed increase in number of infections resulted in increase in diseased area per leaf in Virginia, Valencia and pooled analysis of genotypes but in case of Spanish type plants number of infection lesion did not cause increase in diseased area per leaf significantly. It may be concluded that lesion size was smaller in Spanish type plants. Correlation between SL and S has same trend in all plant types. There was a negative correlation between Def and SL. Correlation between interaction of SL × S and S are significant and positive (Table 6). Previous studies showed that amount of SL, Def, S and reaction between amount of SL and S showed a significant difference in wild and cultivated groundnut entries. Groundnut genotypes were grouped on bases of more or less sporulation (Melouk and Banks, 1984; Pensuk et al., 2003).

To obtain maximum sporulation necrotic area of LLS on groundnut leaves was removed. It is thought that more necrotic area results in more sporulation of fungus under optimum humidity and temperature conditions (Creen and Wynne, 1986; Nova et al., 1989). In general number of conidia per lesion was significantly higher in susceptible genotypes than in resistant genotypes (Rao et al., 1995).

Selection of genotypes with low sporulation levels could be expected to identify genotypes with desirable levels of other resistance components. A high level of resistance to LLS was identified in groundnut lines derived from interspecific crosses with A. durenensis. These homozygous lines were used as parents to incorporate resistance into high yielding breeding lines and to produce a segregating population for molecular marker studies (Anderson et al., 2000).

In Late groundnut host pathogen system (Nova et al., 1989) obtained sporulation by incubating necrotic area of groundnut leaves under high humidity moist chamber conditions. Resistance to LLS could be associated with low partitioning, late maturity and undesirable pod and seed characteristics (Nigam and Dwivedi, 2000). Luo et al. (2005) identified genes for resistance to LLS using micro array and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). They detected 56 genes in several functional categories which could be used for marker-assisted selection in breeding programs.

In present study number of spots (necrotic areas) x sporulation was significant rather than diseased area (necrotic area + yellow hallo). The susceptibility of plant organ was also affected by the age of leaves; older leaves were more susceptible than younger ones. More resistant varieties, which were affected on their younger leaves, can suffer severe damage on their older leaves (Raymond et al., 1985). High defoliation scores after monsoon season left only few leaves on upper nodes on some genotypes so fluctuated results are observed due to younger leaves on upper nodes.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The graduation in the susceptibility of genotypes to toxin producing pathogens were purely quantitative. Absolute resistance i.e. incompatibility, cannot be found in such quantitative resistance responses. In the absence of quantitative resistance two main strategies are advocated to keep LLS of peanut under some limits. The first is to reduce the level of inoculum during the intercrop period, which will reduce the amount of inoculums available to start an epidemic after the peanut crop emerges and second strategy is to reduce the rate of increase during the cropping period.

Author’s Contribution

M. Ijaz conceived the idea of this study, designed experimental layout, did data analysis, and provided technical inputs at every step of this study. S.R.A. Shah wrote manuscript and formatted according to journal keeping in view authors guidelines. A. Afzal worked on data recording, and reviewed the manuscript. M. I. Haq critically reviewed the manuscript and contributed in formatting.


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