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Influence of Hydrocolloid Gums on Textural, Functional and Sensory Properties of Low Fat Cheddar Cheese from Buffalo Milk




Influence of Hydrocolloid Gums on Textural, Functional and Sensory Properties of Low Fat Cheddar Cheese from Buffalo Milk

Mian Shamas Murtaza1, Aysha Sameen1, Nuzhat Huma1 and Fatma Hussain2

1National Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan

2Department of Biochemistry, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan


Reduced fat cheeses are desired based on composition but fell in acceptability and functionality as the fat contributes the desirable flavour and texture. The addition of gums in low fat cheese softens the structure by the interference of the casein-casein interaction and cellulose particles that function similar to fat globules. The present study was aimed to assess the impact of hydrocolloid gums on functional, textural and sensory attributes of low fat Cheddar cheese. Buffalo milk was standardized at 2% and 4% fat levels to manufacture Cheddar cheese. Cheese samples were manufactured by adding xanthan gum and guar gums individually @ 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5% in low fat cheese (2% fat) besides the negative (2% fat) and positive (4% fat) control samples. The cheese samples were ripened at 6-8oC for 30 days and analyzed for physico-chemical composition, functional, textural and sensory quality. The results showed that reduction in fat significantly (p < 0.05) increased the moisture and protein content. The addition of gums further augmented the moisture level owing to owing to their water retention properties. The melt-ability, flow-ability and yield of cheese decreased significantly (p < 0.05) on reducing the fat level, as anticipated. However, the addition of gums gradually improved these aspects with higher values for cheese containing guar gum as compared to xanthan gum. The full fat cheese showed the minimum (1270g) while the negative control had the maximum (1604.64 g) hardness. The hardness decreased gradually on increasing the concentration of gums and the samples having guar gum were less hard. On sensory evaluation, the maximum scores were awarded to full fat cheese, while the negative control attained the minimum liking. Addition of gums improved the sensory acceptability of cheese. The sample containing 0.45% guar gum was awarded the scores comparable to the full fat cheese for most of the traits. Hence, it was concluded that hydrocolloids particularly guar gum can effectively be used up to 0.45% to improve the functionality and acceptability of low fat Cheddar cheese.

Article Information

Received 06 June 2016

Revised 25 June 2016

Accepted 15 August 2016

Available online 22 September 2016

Authors’ Contributions

AS, NH and FH perceived, designed and supervised the study and helped in article writing. MSM executed the cheese manufacturing, its quality evaluation and statistical analysis of the data as well as wrote the article.

Key words

Buffalo milk, Cheddar cheese, Hydrocolloids, Texture, Functionality

* Corresponding author:

0030-9923/2017/0001-0027 $ 9.00/0

Copyright 2017 Zoological Society of Pakistan




Pakistan is the 4th largest milk producing country in the world with annual production 52.6 million tones; out of which 19 percent of milk is wasted (GOP, 2015). Most of the milk is consumed in raw form except 4%, which is processed. Shelf life of milk can be increased by converting it into different products like pasteurized, sterilized, condensed and/or powder milk, yoghurt, butter, ice cream, cheese etc. (Varnam and Sutherland, 1994).

Cheeses are getting more popularity in the world due to their nutritional value, variety in texture and flavour, functionality and multidimensional uses. Approximately a third of the world’s milk produced is used in cheese manufacturing (Farkye, 2004). The milk from cow, camel, goat, sheep and buffalos or blends of these is used to produce different types of cheeses (Hussain et al., 2012). Buffalo milk is at the top in Pakistan’s milk production with annual value of 31.25 million tonnes (GOP, 2014) and has promising research interests because of its nutritional profile and buffering capacity that offers remarkable prospects for fermented products like cheese (Murtaza et al., 2015; Tahira et al., 2014).

A wide range of cheese varieties exists in the world, each with unique characteristics (Falegan and Akere, 2014). Cheese is a complex food made from few simple ingredients. It is the coagulated and concentrated form of milk manufactured at appropriate temperature and humidity (Murtaza et al., 2014). Cheese varieties are classified on the basis of origin of milk sources, chemical composition, manufacturing procedure, shape, texture and ripening (Manish and Srivastava, 2002; Walstra et al., 2006).

Cheddar is a hard ripened cheese produced by acidification and concentration followed by gel formation with protease (Murtaza, 2016). It is highly nutritious and a complex mixture and is rich in fat, protein, vitamins and minerals (Murtaza et al., 2014). Microbial, biochemical and metabolic processes referred as glycolysis, lipolysis and proteolysis are held responsible for flavor and texture development in Cheddar cheese during ripening (Murtaza et al., 2012; Smit et al., 2005).

Cheese is rich in saturated fats, which in excess can increase cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol level, arthritis, memory loss, weight gain and obesity. In Pakistan, these chronic diseases are cause of 42% deaths (GOP, 2013). Consumers have certain health concerns owing to changing life style, like less fat, fewer calories, less cholesterol or less sugar. Even though consumers are repeatedly told they should reduce their dietary fat consumption, they are not willing to sacrifice taste or functionality in the foods they eat (Verbeke, 2006).

The demand of low fat cheese is increasing day by day. Reduced and low fat cheeses are desired based on composition but often fall short on overall quality (Murtaza, 2016). Fat imparts the functional, textural and sensory properties of cheese; hence, reducing or replacing fat in cheese is not an easy job (Gunasekaran and Ak, 2003). Some of the major problems with fat reduction in cheese are the development of a firm texture that does not break down during mastication, weak gel network between protein and fat, bland flavor and taste and yield reduction, which are undesirable (Correll, 2011). These problems can be overcome by adopting different techniques like use of adjunct culture, modify the procedure, use of fat replacers like hydrocolloids (Rogers et al., 2010).

Hydrocolloid gums are the most effective carbohydrate-based fat replacers having the ability to control the rheology of water based systems and syneresis inhibition. These are added to dairy products to stabilize their structure, enhance viscosity and alter textural characteristics (Simeone et al., 2004).

Most commonly used hydrocolloids are xanthan gum and guar gum. Xanthan gum is a microbial hetero-polysaccharide of high molecular weight with 1-4 β-D-glucose backbone, a trisaccharide of mannose, glucuronic acid and mannose. It is produced by fermentation of carbohydrate using naturally occurring Xanthomonas compestris (Nateghi et al., 2012a; Tiwari et al., 2010). Guar gum, galactomannan is a non-gelling neutral polysaccharide composed of a linear (1→ 4)-β-D-mannan backbone, mainly obtained from the endosperm of many leguminous seeds like Cyamopsis tetragonolobus L. (Srivastava and Kapoor, 2005; Volikakis et al., 2004).

Keeping in view the production and prospects of buffalo milk, consumers’ demand for low fat cheese and functionality of hydrocolloid gums, the study was aimed to assess the impact of gums on functional, textural and sensory properties of buffalo milk cheddar cheese.



Raw materials

Raw buffalo milk was procured from dairy farm, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Hydrocolloid gums (xanthan gum and guar gum), freeze dried mesophilic starters (Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis and Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris) and rennet (Double strength Chy-max, 500000 MCU/mL, Pifzer Inc, Milwaukee, WI, USA) were purchased from local market.

Cheddar cheese manufacturing

Buffalo milk was standardized at 2% and 4% fat levels for different batches of (low and full fat) cheddar cheese. Cheddar cheese was manufactured by following the method detailed by Murtaza (2016) with slight modification in order to incorporate hydrocolloid gums for development of different low fat cheese samples. The samples prepared were stored for 30 days at 6-8°C for ripening.

The detail of various cheese samples prepared for the study is as given below:

C+, cheese with 4% fat level (positive control); C-, cheese with 2% fat level (negative control); X1, cheese with 2% fat level and 0.15% xanthan gum added; X2, cheese with 2% fat level and 0.30% xanthan gum added; X3, cheese with 2% fat level and 0.45% xanthan gum added; G1, cheese with 2% fat level and 0.15% guar gum added; G2, cheese with 2% fat level and 0.30% guar gum added; G3, cheese with 2% fat level and 0.45% guar gum added.

Quality evaluation of cheese

After 30 days of ripening, cheese samples were analyzed for different quality parameters (physico-chemical composition, functional and textural characteristics and sensory perception) in triplicate (n=3) as detailed below.

Physico-chemical analysis

The cheese samples were analyzed for moisture by oven drying (AOAC, 2000), pH using pH meter (Ong et al., 2007), acidity by titration method (AOAC, 2000), protein by Kjeldhal method (IDF, 2006), fat by Gerber method (Marshal, 1993) and ash content by igniting the cheese samples (AOAC, 2000).

Functional properties

Melt-ability: Melt-ability of each cheese sample was determined by using glass tube of known length and thickness. Cheese samples were compressed in glass tubes by plunger and length was noted by using vernier-caliper. Glass tubes were stored at 4°C for 4 hrs. Afterwards, heating was done at 110°C for 100 min. Melt length was again noted for each sample using vernier-caliper (Zisu and Shah, 2007).

Flow-ability: Flow-ability of each cheese samples was determined by cutting a cheese disk of a specified dimension and heating at 280°C for 4 min. The percent increase in diameter of a cheese disc was expressed as flow-ability (Guinee et al., 2002).

Cheese yield: Cheese yield was calculated for each sample as the percent of the weight of finished cheese obtained divided by the weight of the milk used (Sipahioglu et al., 1999).

Textural profile analysis

Texture profile of each cheese sample was assessed by performing the texture profile analysis (TPA) on TA-XT Plus Texture Analyzer (Stable Micro Systems, Godalming, Surrey, UK) using compression plate. Cheese samples were placed in air tight plastic bags and equilibrated at 8°C for 18 h. Cubes of 25mm length, width and height were cut from each sample using a stainless steel wire cutter and equilibrated at 8°C for a further 30 min before analysis.

Samples were removed from the incubator and immediately compressed to 30% of the original height in 2 consecutive cycles (i.e., double compression) at a rate of 1 mm/s (Zisu and Shah, 2007).

Table I.- Physico-chemical composition of full fat and low fat cheddar cheese.

Treat ments Moisture (%) Protein (%) Fat (%) Ash (%) pH Acidity (%)
C+ 38.4±1.02d 26.45±0.7d 32.3±0.68a 3.4±0.15 5.20±0.04c 0.91±0.02a
C- 42.8±1.10c 30.3±0.67bc 16.14±0.4d 3.5±0.17 5.27±0.08b 0.86±0.04b
X1 44.6±0.97b 30.8±0.58b 16.5±0.38c 3.35±0.2 5.32±0.02ab 0.84±0.03b
X2 45.1±1.1ab 30.1±0.62c 16.8±0.4bc 3.4±0.16 5.38±0.03a


X3 45.8±0.9a 29.6±0.6cd 17.06±0.6b 3.4±0.16 5.39±0.07a 0.79±0.04c
G1 43.3±1.05c 31.2±0.5a 16.8±0.5bc 3.4±0.18 5.31±0.02ab 0.85±0.03b
G2 43.9±0.9bc 30.5±0.6bc 16.9±0.5bc 3.4±0.20 5.33±0.04ab 0.82±0.03bc
G3 44.4±0.1b 30.08±0.6c 17.1±0.53b 3.39±0.1 5.37±0.06a


*The mean values having different letters within a column have statistically significant differences.

C+, cheese with 4% fat level (positive control); C-, cheese with 2% fat level (negative control); X1, cheese with 2% fat level and 0.15% xanthan gum added; X2, cheese with 2% fat level and 0.30% xanthan gum added; X3, cheese with 2% fat level and 0.45% xanthan gum added; G1, cheese with 2% fat level and 0.15% guar gum added; G2, cheese with 2% fat level and 0.30% guar gum added; G3, cheese with 2% fat level and 0.45% guar gum added.

Sensory evaluation

Cheddar cheese samples were evaluated for sensory perception on a hedonic rating scale (0–9) by a panel of judges drawn from faculty members and post-graduate students to assess the influence of fat reduction and addition of gums on sensory parameters as described by Awad et al. (2004).

Statistical analysis

The results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using completely randomized design and Duncan’s multiple range test using Statistica 8.1 to assess the significance of work (Montgomery, 2013).




Physico-chemical analysis

The addition of gums showed a significant (P < 0.05) effect on the compositional parameters like moisture, fat, protein, pH and acidity (except ash content) of low fat cheese (Table I). Moisture content was recorded in the range of 38.40-45.8% and protein 26.45-31.18%. Minimum moisture and protein were present in positive control having 4% fat as 38.40% and 26.45%, respectively. By increasing the hydrocolloid level and decreasing the fat content, the moisture and protein content increased. As the fat content of cheese is reduced, moisture and protein content increase and play a greater role in texture development (Mistry, 2001; Oliveira et al., 2011). Moisture is important for cheese because it contribute softness, quality characteristics and serves as reactant in different reaction (Lee et al., 2006) and is bounded with the protein to maintain elasticity of cheese (McSweeney and Souse, 2000). Nateghi et al. (2012a) also reported that the use of fat replacers like xanthan gum and sodium caseinate increased the moisture and protein levels in Cheddar cheese, probably due to hygroscopic properties of the ingredients.

The fat content in cheese varied slightly between reduced fat cheese samples. As already mentioned that milk was standardized prior to cheese manufacturing, this minor variation might be owing to the fat retention property of the hydrocolloids. Increased moisture causes decrease in total fat content and dry matter fat in cheddar cheese (Esmaeil et al., 2010). The ash content of cheese fell in the range of 3.35-3.50% with statistically non-significant differences. The addition of gums had no effect on ash content of cheese samples since ash only represents the inorganic matter (Sengul et al., 2006).

The pH and acidity differed significantly with increase in concentration of gums and decrease in fat level. The lowest pH (5.20) and the highest acidity (0.91%) were found in positive control (full fat cheese). The fat replacers significantly affect the pH, acidity and total solids in cheese (Kavas et al., 2004). Katsiari and Voutsinas (1994) also reported that the pH values of low-fat cheeses were slightly higher than that of the full-fat cheese.

Functional properties

Melt-ability and flow-ability are directly linked with the hardness parameter of the texture and both have the inverse relation with the cheese hardness. Maximum value of melt-ability and flow-ability was found in full fat cheese (positive control) as 61.5mm and 22.9%, and the lowest in reduced fat (negative control) cheese sample as 46.8mm and 16.4%, respectively. All other treatments had values in between these two samples (Table II). The results showed that the melt-ability and flow-ability increased with the increased concentration of hydrocolloid gums and samples having guar gum exhibited more values of both functional parameters. The gums as fat replacers increased the melting and flowing properties of cheese since xanthan gum improves melting properties and increases the moisture retention in cheddar cheese (Nateghi et al., 2012a). Hekken et al. (2007) showed an increase in melt-ability in cheese by increasing fat content. The decrease in fat resulted in decreasing the melt-ability; however, it increased gradually with the increased level of hydrocolloids added (Koca and Metin, 2004).

Table II.- Functional properties of full fat and low fat cheddar cheese.

Treatments Melt-ability (mm) Flow-ability (%)

Yield (%)

C+ 61.5±2.0a 22.9±0.71a 10.90±0.35a
C- 46.8±1.6f 16.4±0.69e 8.70±0.42e
X1 50.8±1.2e 18.3±0.52d 9.23±0.36d
X2 52.6±1.8d 18.7±0.62cd 9.81±0.45c
X3 55.5±1.6c 19.4±0.58c 9.90±0.41bc
G1 54.2±1.5cd 19.2±0.56c 9.61±0.39cd
G2 55.9±1.7c 19.7±0.73c 9.95±0.40bc
G3 57.3±2.1b 20.6±0.67b


*The mean values having different letters within a column have statistically significant differences.

For abbreviations, see Table I.



The highest cheese yield was recorded in positive control sample (10.9%) having full fat while the lowest in negative control (8.70%). All other samples with hydrocolloids added showed more yield than negative control because of fat mimic properties of the hydrocolloids. By increasing the concentration of gums, the yield increased and cheese sample having 0.45% guar gum had yield closer to the full fat cheese (Table II). Fat plays an important role in cheese yield because of the network between fat and protein and lowering the fat content weakens the network and yield is reduced. The hydrocolloids can directly bind the water and interfere with the shrinkage of the casein matrix; therefore, lowers the driving force involved in expelling water from curd particles and improve yield (Rahimi et al., 2007).


Textural profile analysis

Different parameters like hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness were studied through texture profile analysis. The results indicated that full fat cheese had the minimum (1270g), while the low fat cheese (negative control) had the highest mean hardness value (1604.64 g). The hardness of low fat samples with added hydrocolloids reduced gradually with the concentration of gums. The cheese having guar gum had less hardness as compared to those having xanthan gum as fat replacer (Fig. 1). The decrease in hardness with increased concentration of gums might be due to increased water retention. Cohesiveness is the ratio between two forces while springiness is the ratio between two distances. Cohesiveness and springiness both show opposite trend in the cheese samples with added hydrocolloids (Figs. 2 and 3). Cohesiveness was reduced while springiness increased by increasing the level of gums. Gumminess and chewiness relate to cheese hardness (Figs. 4 and 5); since these are calculated from hardness, cohesiveness and springiness (Awad et al., 2013).

Texture of cheese is greatly influenced by both compositional and processing parameters (Wium et al., 2003). The fat reduction increases the cheese hardness (Awad et al., 2005) and results in rubbery texture due to relative deficiency of fat globules; hence, there is more structural matrix per unit cross sectional area which accelerates the synersis (Irudayaraj et al., 1999).

Konuklar et al. (2004) also reported the reduction in hardness of cheddar cheese made with hydrocolloidal suspensions as compared to its reduced fat control (C-). The use of fat replacers like xanthan gum and sodium caseinate increases moisture levels, reduces the hardness and affects other textural parameters in cheddar cheese, due to hygroscopic properties of these ingredients (Nateghi et al., 2012b).

The decrease in hardness of cheese containing xanthan gum might be owing to variation in protein matrix compactness since xanthan gum also increases the water binding capacity of protein matrix (Koca and Metin, 2004).



Sensory evaluation

The sensory evaluation of full and reduced fat chees samples was performed to access the reaction of judges by rating their liking on a scale. The panelists assigned the score for sensory attributes (appearance, flavour, firmness, stickiness, sliceability and overall acceptability). The maximum scores were awarded to full fat cheese (positive control) for all the parameters, while the negative control (low fat cheese) received the lowest scores (minimum liking). Addition of hydrocolloid gums improved the sensory perception of the low fat cheese samples (Fig. 6). The increase in concentration of xanthan and guar gums in cheese depicted different trends of liking and disliking for different attributes. The sensory scores comparable with the full fat cheese were attained by maximum concentration of guar gum (0.45%) followed by lowest concentration of xanthan gum (0.15%) for most of the traits.

Source of milk, age and fat contents have profound effects on the cheddar cheese flavor and among them, the fat is most responsible for the development of correct flavor (Hassan et al., 2013). Fat gives rich flavor and texture to the cheese and hence, improves perceptions like appearance, mouth-feel and overall acceptability (Kucukoner and Haque, 2006). Addition of fat mimetic results in higher appearance and overall acceptability score of low fat cheese similar to the full fat product (Romeih et al., 2002). Kavas et al. (2004) reported the increase in flavor of cheese made with different fat replacers as compared to low fat (control) cheese.




The study concluded that hydrocolloids gums particularly guar gum can effectively be used @ 0.45% to produce low fat cheddar cheese with functional, textural and sensory characteristics comparable to full fat product. Hence, it can be recommended that defects in quality and acceptability of low fat cheeses can be overcome by incorporating hydrocolloid gums as fat replacers without any adverse effects. In further work, different concentrations and combinations of these and some other gums should be explored for better results.




The authors wish to thank NIFSAT and High Tech Laboratory, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-Pakistan for providing all the facilities to carry out the research work.


Conflict of interest statement

We declare that we have no conflict of interest.




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Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56, Iss. 4, pp. 1501-2000


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