Figure 11:
Net assimilation rate (gm-2day-1) of wheat as affected by application of herbicide.
T1: stale seedbed + no herbicide, T2: stale seedbed +glyphosate @ 711 a.i mLha-1, T3: stale seedbed +paraquat-dichloride @ 494 a.i mLha-1, T4: stale seedbed +atlantis (mesosulfuron-methyl and iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium) @ 15 a.i gha-1, T5: stale seedbed +glyphosate @ 356 a.i mLha-1+paraquat @ 247 a.i mLha-1, T6: stale seedbed +glyphosate @ 356 a.i mLha-1 + atlantis @ 7.5 a.i gha-1, T7: stale seedbed +paraquat @ 247 a.i mLha-1+ atlantis @ 7.5 a.i gha-1, T8: stale seedbed +glyphosate @ 237 a.i mLha-1+paraquat @ 165 a.i mLha-1+ atlantis @ 5 a.i gha-1.