Fig. 4.

Odds ratios calculated to identify age group related risk factors for patients comparing to controls (CI 95%, p* = 0.05), indicated that although, extended family type was over all nonsignificant, but is a significant risk factor for children below age of 5 years with leukemia (ref. extended family type in remaining age groups), along with ground water consumption (ref. ground water consumption in all remaining age groups) and rural residential set up (ref. rural residential set up in remaining age groups). For patients of age 5.1-15 years old, extended family, ground water, wood burning (ref. wood burning in remaining age groups) as domestic fuel, consanguineous parental unions (ref. consanguineous parental unions in all remaining age groups), and poor diet (ref. poor diet in remaining age groups) were associated with high risk of leukemia. For patient older than 39 years of age, tobacco use (ref. tobacco use in remaining age groups) was significantly associated compared to controls; However, the for the Adolescents and young adults (AYAs; 15.1-39 years), designated as a unique group in oncology, although being a huge group in present study, the pattern was changed. As risk factors for other age groups, e.g., extended family, ground water, tobacco use, and rural residency are exhibiting protective effects when compared to age matched controls. The occurrence of the respective risk factor in all of the remaining age groups was treated as reference in each case.