Fig. 5.
Apoptosis in AGS and HCT cell lines induced by testosterone enanthate: Q1, Necrosis; Q2, Late apoptosis; Q3, Early apoptosis; Q4, Viable cells. (A) Control AGS cells; (B) AGS cells treated with testosterone; (C) Necrosis, early and late apoptosis and live cells in control and testosterone treated AGS cells; (D) Control HCT cells; (E) HCT cells treated with testosterone enanthate and (F) Necrosis, Early and late apoptosis and live cells in control and testosterone treated HCT cells. Percentage of apoptotsis increased in treated cells compared with control groups. The analysis was done by FACSDiva version 6.1.3. *** represents significant difference compared to control group (***P<0.001).