Representative photomicrograph of sheep liver sections stained with HandE. (A) The granuloma (asterisk) embedded in the hepatic parenchyma (x40). (B) The granuloma consists of granular eosinophilic caseated center (asterisk) enclosed by fibrous connective tissue capsule (arrowhead), adjacent hepatocytes showing clear fat vacuoles (arrow) (x100). (C) The granuloma consists of granular eosinophilic caseated center (asterisk) surrounded by massive leukocytic cellular infiltration (arrow) along with bluish calcium granules (arrowhead) scattered in the granuloma (x100). (D) Fatty degeneration of hepatocytes, characterized by discrete clear cytoplasmic vacuoles (arrowhead) associated with free RBCS scattered between degenerated hepatocytes (arrow) (x200). (E) Congestion and dilation of the central vein with vacuolar degeneration of hepatocytes (arrowhead) (x200). (F) Portal triad showing hyperplasia of biliary epithelium (arrow) with presence of eosinophilic debris in the bile duct lumina, newly formed bile ductules (arrowhead) associated with excessive fibrous connective tissue proliferation infiltrated with inflammatory cells (asterisk) (x200).