Relation of M. incognita initial population with its final population densities and reduction (%) of pepper growth and yield component.
Pi, initial nematode population densities; PF, final nematode population densities; RF, nematode reproductive factor; GN, gall number; LNO, leaf number; BNO, branch number; RL, root length; SL, Shoot length; FN, flower number; FRNO, fruit number; FRL, fruit length; FRD, fruit diameter; RFW, root fresh weight; SFW, shoot fresh weight; FFW, fruit fresh weight. Values before parentheses represented a mean of four replicates, number inside of parentheses represented (%) of reduction compared to control. Means with different lowercase letters in superscript along a column indicate a significant difference; “ns” not significant, (*), (**), and (***) Significant at p<0.01, 0.001 and 0.0001, respectively; LSD =Least significant difference.