Spatial distribution of phenotypic traits in improved, local, Pietrain, PiXIm (improved female x negative stress Pietrain male) and PiXLo (local female x negative stress Pietrain male) pigs; Hstiffr: straight hair; Hshort: short hair; Hlong: long hair; Hdense: dense hair; Hsparse: sparse hair; Slong: long, thin snout; Sshort: short, cylindrical snout; Uni: Uniform coat pattern; Pie: piebald coat pattern; Mottled: spotted coat pattern; White: white coat; Black: black coat; Red: Red coat; Concave: concave head profile; Straight: straight head profile; Short: short head profile; OrSeT: semi-drooping ear; OrTom: drooping ear; OrDreS: upright ear; OoAV: forward-facing ear; OrAR: rear-facing ear; OrHA: upward-facing ear; Smooth: smooth skin; Wrinkled: wrinkled skin; QuDR: straight tail; QuTB: corkscrew tail; Straight: straight topline; Ensille: enseled topline.