Fig. 8.

Phylogenetic tree of the relationships among 117 mitogenome sequences of Cucujiformia based on the nucleotide dataset of the 13 mitochondrial protein-coding genes of 11,154 nucleotides with Prosopocoilus gracilis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeiformia: Lucanidae: KP735805), Cheirotonus jansoni (Coleoptera: Scarabaeiformia: Scarabaeidae: NC_023246) and Necrophila americana (Coleoptera: Staphyliniformia: Silphidae: NC_018352) as outgroups. Branch lengths and topology are from the BI analysis. Numbers above branches specify posterior probabilities from Bayesian inference (BI) and bootstrap percentages from maximum likelihood (ML, 1000 replications) analyses. The GenBank numbers and scientific names of all species are shown in Supplementary Table S1. Tree topologies produced by Bayesian inferences (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) analyses were equivalent. Bayesian posterior probability and bootstrap support values for ML analyses are shown orderly on the nodes. The asterisks indicate new sequences generated in this study.