Fig. 2.
Measurement of skull lateral view of Gurcu goats. 5: a, Width of maxilla; b, Length of maxilla; 1, paracondylar process; 2, meatus acusticus externus; 3, coronoid process; 4, nasal bone; 5, nasolacrimal fissur; 6: Measurement of skull occipital view of Gurcu goats; 1, Width of parietal; 2, Interparacondylar width; 3, Intercondylar width; 7: Dorsal view of skull in female and male Gurcu goats; A, Female Gurcu goat; B, Male Gurcu goat; a, Septal process; 8: 1, Distance between foramen infraorbital and premolar tooth; 2, The distance between foramen infraorbitale and tuber faciale; 3, The distance between foramen infraorbitale and orbita.