Figure 1:
Effect of different rates of calcium carbide on root and shoot length under control conditions after 528 h of incubation at 15±2°C.
SL: RL ratio: 0.86 (0 mg CaC2), 0.88 (2 mg CaC2), 0.90 (4 mg CaC2), 0.91(6 mg CaC2), 0.94 (8 mg CaC2), 0.99 (10 mg CaC2), 0.91(12 mg CaC2), 0.91 (14 mg CaC2), 0.91(6 mg CaC2), 1.10 (16 mg CaC2), 0.78 (16 mg CaC2) and 0.44 (16 mg CaC2), LSD value for root length = 0.0525, LSD value for shoot length = 0.0.0368, Bars for each parameter with same letter(s) do not differ at p= 0.05 according to LSD test.