Fig. 5.

Odds ratios for identification of high-risk patients age group within the patient cohort (CI 95%, p* = 0.05), showed that among patients age groups, children (1.1-5 years) with lower BMI (ref. lower BMI in remaining age groups additively) were at higher risk for the disease. Patients in age group 15.1-39 have higher tendency to get myeloid leukemia (ref. myeloid leukemia in all other age groups additively) and in patients older than 39 years of age has higher risk for chronic leukemia (ref. chronic leukemia in remaining age groups additively). In patients older than 39 years old, the blast cells % for myeloid leukemia (ref. Blast cells ≤50% in myeloid leukemia in remaining age groups additively) and chronic leukemia (ref. Blast cells ≤50% chronic leukemia in remaining age groups additively) were significantly lower than lymphoid and acute in the same age groups, respectively.