Fig. 2.

Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 Stained SDS-PAGE Gel Showing effect of incubation temperature on the production of recombinant cellulase (39 kDa): Lane L, protein ladder (Precision Plus Protein Ladder, Bio RAD, USA); Lane 1, soluble fraction after lysis of cells having pET28a without insert as negative control; Lane 2-6, Soluble part after lysis of cells having pET28a with cellulase gene with post induction period of 1–5 h at 37°C; Lane 7, soluble part after lysis of cells having pET28a with cellulase gene with post induction period of 22 h at 20°C; Lane 8, soluble part after lysis of cells having pET28a with cellulase gene with post induction period of 22 h at 25°C.