Fig. 1.
Right plexus brachialis. Dorsal aspect and separate of right neck. a, Nn. Subscapulares; b, N. suprascapularis; c, N. musculocutaneus; d, N. axillaris; e, Nn. pectorales craniales; f, N. radialis; g, N. medianus; h, N. ulnaris; i, N. thoracicus lateralis; j, N. thoracodorsalis; k, Nn. pectorales caudales; l, N. thoracicus longus; p, N. phrenicus; C5, Rami ventralis of cervical 5; C6, Rami ventralis of cervical 6; C7, Rami ventralis of cervical 7; C8, Rami ventralis of cervical 8; T1, Rami ventralis of thoracal 1; T2, Rami ventralis of thoracal 2.