Figure 2

(A and B) Testis, Gp1 control showing compact seminiferous tubules with narrow lumen (double headed arrow) and lined with several layers consisting of spermatogonea cells (1), spermatocytes (2), Sertoli cell (3), spermatid (4) and spermatozoids (5). (C and D), Gp2 showing wider lumen (double headed arrow) containing large amount of exfoliated germ cells (black arrow) and vacuolated spermatocytes (arrowhead). (E and F), Gp3 showing wide lumen (double headed arrow) and mildly vacuolated spermatocytes (arrowhead). H and E, Low magnification X: A, C and E:100 bar 100 and high magnification X: B, D and F:400 bar 50.