Yield data of three rice cultivars under the effect of various treatments viz., T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, CI, C2 and C3 showing Mentha Piperita, Opuntia ficus-indica, Aloe vera, Azadiraehta indica, Aloe vera + Mentha Piperita, Opuntia ficus-indica + Mentha Piperita, Mentha Piperita + Azadiraehta indica + Citrus limon respectively whereas C1 (Inoculated + Treated with streptomycin), C2 (Inoculated + Treated with Water) and C3 (Uninoculated + Untreated) respectively. A= Plant height, B= No of tillers, C= Panicle length, D= No of grains/ panicle, E= 500 grains weight in grams and F= Paddy yield (t/ha) respectively.