Fig. 10.
BMP15 immunoreactivity in the different structures found within buffalo ovaries and testis. A, Primordial follicle in genital ridge of foetus between 60-90 days post concep tion (dpc); B, Primordial follicle in ovary of foetus; C, Primordial follicle in ovary of adult buffalo; D, primary follicle; E, secondary follicle; F, small antral follicle; G, COC of a large antral follicle; H, testis of foetus; I, testis of adult buffalo; J, negative control of testis; K, negative control of ovary. Cyst, primordial cyst; O, oocyte; GC, granulosa cells; CC, cumulus cells; MGC, mural granulosa cells. Scale bars represent 20 μm.