Representative variation for various traits in the mutagenized population of Dawk Pa-yawn and Dawk Kha 50. a): control panicle of Dawk Kha 50 showing no signs of awns; b): mutant of Dawk Kha 50 with purple awns; c): mutant of Dawk Kha 50 with white awns; d): Dawk Kha 50 mutant panicle; e): Dawk Kha 50 purple panicle mutant; f): representative variation in panicle colour of mutants; g): striated chlorophyll mutant of Dawk Pa-yawm; h): representative variation in grains of Dawk Kha 50 mutants with control seed on extreme left and representative variation in grains of Dawk Kha 50 mutants with control seed on extreme left and mutants at its right.