Fig. 1.
Comparative analysis of cellulase from T. naphthophila str. RKU10 (Tn-ADA67783) with other members of family M42 aminopeptidase including FrvX (Ph-BAA30637), TET1 (Ph-BAA29607) and TET3 (Ph-BAA30940) from P. horikoshii str. OT3 (Russo and Baumann, 2004, 2005; Dura et al., 2009), putative fructose-lysine aminopeptidase from B. subtilis str.168 (Bs-AGA23783) (Remaut et al., 2001) and peptidase from T. maritima str. MSB8 (Tm-AHD19044) (Kapoor et al., 2010). Conserved amino acids are shown in red color. Circle above the sequence shows conserved amino acids involve in metal binding whereas the triangle above sequence indicate conserved amino acid involve in enzyme activity. The comparative analysis was developed using Clustal Omega programme.