Fig. 3.

Landmark positions on ventral (A), dorsal (B) and lateral (C) cranium views. A, Dorsal view: 1, frontal tip of internasal suture; 2, sagittal suture between frontals and nasals; 3, sagittal suture between frontals and parietals; 4, suture interception of both right and left parietal and interparietal in the sagittal plane; 5, posterior border of supraoccipital, at the nuchal crest; 6, anteriormost point of suture between nasal and premaxilla; 7, more concave curve point of zygomatic notch; 8, external border of maxillary at the most anterior curvature of zygomatic arch; 9, midpoint of the the zygomatic arch; 10, smaller frontal width (interorbital width); 11, more concave curve point of squamosal root of zygomatic arch; 12, suture between parietal, interparietal and occipital. B, Lateral view: 1, anterior tip of the nasals; 2, skull most posterior border, at supraoccipital bone, above the foramen magnum; 3, labial upper junction of incisors and maxillary; 4, lingual upper junction of incisors and maxillary; 5, posteriormost point of suture between nasal and premaxilla; 6, anterior border of zygomatic plate; 7, inferiormost point of suture between of premaxilla and maxilla; 8, anterior border of upper molar row at the alveolar process of maxillary; 9, internal more concave curve point of squamosal root of zygomatic arch; 10, posterior border of upper molar row at maxillary; 11, point of maximum anterior constriction of squamosal root of zygomatic arch; 12, inferior most point of zygomatic arch; 13, posterior most point of zygomatic arch; 14, upper concave curve point of tympanic bulla; 15, superior most point of tympanic bulla; 16, posterior most point of tympanic bulla; 17, posterior most point of occipital; 18, anterior junction of maxillary and the frontal sutures. C, Ventral view: 1, anterior border of incisive foramen; 2, posterior border of incisive foramen; 3, posterior midline suture of palatines; 4, midpoint of suture between basisphenoid and basioccipital; 5, anterior alveolar margin of the upper molar row, at maxillary; 6, posterior alveolar margin of the upper molar row at palatines; 7, posterior border of ectotympanic part of auditory bulla; 8, posterior border of ectotympanic part of auditory bulla; 9, anterior most point of inferior margin of foramen magnum; 10, posterior most point of superior margin of foramen magnum; 11, Posterior inferior tip of squamosal root of zygomatic bar; 12, internal more concave curve point of inner extreme curvature of squamosal root of zygomatic arch; 13, superiormost margin of zygomatic arch; 14, posteriormost margin of the maximum anterior constriction of squamosal root of zygomatic; 15, internal more concave curve point of maxillary root of zygomatic arch; 16, external border of maxillary root of zygomatic arch.